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ACM TechNews - Wednesday, February 9, 2000

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ACM TechNews
Volume 2, Number 16
Date: February 9, 2000
Site Sponsored by Gateway (http://www.gateway.com)

Today's Top Stories:

"Several Web Sites Attacked Following Assault on Yahoo"
"Novell Drops Fight With Microsoft"
"How Many Service Companies Can the Linux Market Support?"
"New Era Approaches: Gigabyte Chips"
"Net Firm Rises From Boutique to Web Player"
"CIOs Turning Attention From Y2K to E-Commerce"
"Do Viewers Even Want To Interact With TV?"
"Chip, Software Vendors Rush to Boost E-Commerce Security"
"The Credibility Factor: Giants Get Linux Religion"
"State Alliance a Boon to E-Buying, Vendors"
"The Debut of Pay-Per-Use Data Services"
"Industrial-Strength E-Commerce"
"CE Execs Discuss E-Commerce"
"Companies Lag in Strategic Vision, Survey Shows"
"Reach Out and Sell Someone"

******************* News Stories ***********************

"Several Web Sites Attacked Following Assault on Yahoo"
At least four of the world's top e-commerce sites were attacked
by hackers yesterday, one day after a similar attack on Yahoo!,
in what experts believe is an organized assault on leading sites.
Yesterday's attacks targeted Amazon, eBay, Buy.com, and CNN.com, . . .

"Novell Drops Fight With Microsoft"
Novell yesterday announced products based on its directory
services software that target the business-to-business e-commerce
market, signaling a shift away from competing with Microsoft for
the operating system market.  Novell's new offerings target
companies that have established Web sites but lack the back-end . . .

"How Many Service Companies Can the Linux Market Support?"
Linux vendors are turning to services as a way to offset the lack
of revenue from software licenses.  As an open source technology,
the Linux operating system is freely available, which means that
Linux vendors gain little profit from the software.  In response, . . .

"New Era Approaches: Gigabyte Chips"
Intel and IBM have both written papers describing chips that run
at 1 GHz--a speed considered impossible not long ago--and the
companies plan to start producing the chips in the second half of
this year.  Both companies were scheduled to present their papers . . .

"Net Firm Rises From Boutique to Web Player"
Razorfish has become a major force in the expanding Internet
consulting market, growing from a small Web page maker into a
total systems integrator.  The electronic consulting market will
average 71 percent revenue growth in the next five years, . . .

"CIOs Turning Attention to E-Commerce"
E-commerce is the leading technology issue, according to 65
percent of CIOs at U.S.-based companies in a recent survey
by CIO Magazine.  Furthermore, 62 percent think that President
Clinton should appoint someone to look after technology-related . . .

"Do Viewers Even Want To Interact With TV?"
At an interactive-television conference in New York City last
week, attendees seemed to agree that no one knows what the public
desires.  And James M. Moroney of Belo, a company that owns 16
U.S. TV stations, doubted that anything that interrupts people's . . .

"Chip, Software Vendors Rush to Boost E-Commerce Security"
Internet firms and cable vendors are scrambling to develop
efficient public-key infrastructures (PKI) and other means of
protecting Web transactions to allay the fears of security-wary
consumers.  PKI allows users with encrypted "session keys" to . . .

"The Credibility Factor: Giants Get Linux Religion"
Each of the top five computer manufacturers detailed plans last
week to release new Linux products and services, a development
that lends credibility to the open source operating system.
"Administrators who are interested in deploying Linux now find it . . .

"State Alliance a Boon to E-Buying, Vendors"
The Western States Contracting Alliance has signed a contract
with Compaq, CompUSA, Dell, Gateway, and IBM to purchase computer
equipment, software, and services collectively at reduced rates,
in a deal made possible by the Internet.  WSCA was formed in 1993 . . .

"The Debut of Pay-Per-Use Data Services"
Carriers are now beginning to offer usage-based billing rather
than flat-rate pricing.  MCI WorldCom and WarpSpeed are among the
ISPs offering usage-based data service.  The WarpSpeed service
can be turned on and off according to need, says WarpSpeed's Mil . . .

"Industrial-Strength E-Commerce"
E-commerce ventures are turning to mainframes as a way to handle
drastically increasing volumes of site traffic.  Mainframes, long
viewed as an antiquated technology, have attracted renewed
interest in the era of e-commerce because they offer unmatched . . .

"CE Execs Discuss E-Commerce"
Now that the Dark Ages of the Internet are behind us, market
observers foresee less of an emphasis on the "land grab" stage of
development and more of a focus on consolidation for this year,
according to Desmond Varady, vice president and co-COO of . . .

"Companies Lag in Strategic Vision, Survey Shows"
Most companies believe that e-commerce is a key part of their
future success, but they are not tying e-commerce into corporate
strategy, according to a recent KPMG study.  Although 65 percent
of the respondents say e-commerce is one of their most critical . . .

"Reach Out and Sell Someone"
Europeans will habitually use their cell phones to access the
Internet in the not-so-distant future, paying for Web access
through their phone bills.  Although this new mobile Internet is
likely at first to be troubled by poor connections, some . . .


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