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Course Description

This is a core course in artificial intelligence. It is designed to be a challenging course, involving significant independent work, readings, assignments, and projects. It covers structured knowledge representations, as well as knowledge-based methods of problem solving, planning, decision-making, and learning.


To succeed in this course, you should be able to answer 'Yes' to the following six questions:

  1. Are you confident with computer programming?
  2. Are you familiar with basic concepts of data structures and object-oriented programming, such as inheritance and polymorphism?
  3. Are you familiar with basic concepts of algorithm design, such as algorithms for sorting, searching, and matching?
  4. Are you confident with either Java or Python?
  5. Are you comfortable writing a 1000-word essay/design report in English each week?
  6. Are you comfortable completing a large, challenging design/programming/analysis project every three weeks or so.

If your answer is a “No” to any of these questions, this course may not be appropriate for you.

Learning Goals

The class is organized around three primary learning goals. First, this class teaches the concepts, methods, and prominent issues in knowledge-based artificial intelligence. Second, it teaches the specific skills and abilities needed to apply those concepts to the design of knowledge-based AI agents. Third, it teaches the relationship between knowledge-based artificial intelligence and the study of human cognition.

Learning Strategies

This structure of this course is determined by several pedagogical motivations:

Learning Outcomes

At the conclusion of this class, you will be able to accomplish three primary tasks. First, you will be able to design and implement a knowledge-based artificial intelligence agent that can address a complex task using the methods discussed in the course. Second, you will be able to use this agent to reflect on the process of human cognition. Third, you will be able to use both these practices to address practical problems in multiple domains.

Learning Assessments

For your grade in this class, you will complete the following:

Course Communication:

Any new class information (such as changing due dates, requirements, etc.) that you are responsible for knowing will be sent out in two ways:

Thus, any information you are required to know will arrive in your email inbox at least twice, as well as be available on the course’s T-Square and Piazza pages.

If we have any questions regarding your assignments, projects, or exams, we will email you. This is especially important in the event that your project code does not work when initially turned in. Georgia Tech classes typically stipulate that you are asked to check your email at least once every 24 hours on weekdays. While there will not likely be anything in this course that requires an answer that fast, we do ask that you check your email with that level of regularity in case something comes up with one of your submissions. If we contact you and don’t hear back within that time frame, your grade may be affected (and we dont want that).

Office Hours:

In general, if you have a question about the course contents, the projects, the assignments or the examinations, we ask that you first ask them on Piazza so that everyone in the class can see the questions and the answers. In addition, however, we offer two kinds of office hours to answer the kinds of questions that are difficult to answer in text: synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous office hours will be run via a Webex teleconference by David and/or Sridevi. The specific time of synchronous office hours will be announced after the initial survey to find the ideal time. During office hours, you can access the teleconference at this link:

Clicking that link should allow you to set up Webex and participate in the teleconference. If you have any difficulty, please email the TAs and let us know. Note that generally, these office hours will not be recorded. Synchronous office hours are intended for conversations about individual projects, discussions about course material, etc. rather than straightforward question-and-answer; because they are more personal to the individual attendees, they are not as useful when recorded and posted. If anything comes up in these office hours that is relevant to the rest of the class, it will be recorded or posted on Piazza. In the event that synchronous office hours are not offered during a time that you can make, let us know and we’ll try to schedule a 1:1 session with you (time permitting).

Asynchronous office hours, on the other hand, will be recorded. Asychronous office hours will be recorded by Ashok and posted each week if there are sufficient questions to have an office hours video. To post a question for Ashok to answer, post to the office_hours folder on Piazza.

If your question is about a private issue, such as a grade on an examination, you may post a private Piazza message (visible only to instructors) or send an email to the instructors (;, the OMS TA (, or the PE TA ( Please remember, however, that the instructors and TA are together responsible for a class of over 200 students in addition to in-person classes and other responsibilities, so please be patient in awaiting responses and, whenever possible, post your questions on the forum first.


Grades will be based on four types of assessments according to the following percentages:

Grades will be normalized at the conclusion of the class. This is designed to allow lots of room for the identification of improvement, mastery, and excellence even after a satisfactory grade has been achieved. As such, many of the assignments, projects, and exams will be graded on a scale where the average looks very low; the average on Project 1 last semester, for example, was a 33 out of 50. This, of course, doesn’t mean half the students failed the project, it just means the project scoring doesn’t map to the traditional “90% = A” distribution. We’ll post statistics on the class median and distribution with the assignments so you can get a gauge for how your scores map to the overall class. Although we understand the importance of grades, we encourage you to focus first on doing the best you can on all assignments; if you do, your grade should take care of itself.