Instructor: Ashok K. Goel
Office: TSRB 219
Office Phone: 404-894-4994
Office Email: goel@cc.gatech.edu (best way to contact)
Office Hours: M/W/F, 10:10am-10:55am
GTA: Bryan Wiltgen
Office: TSRB 217.5 (Design & Intelligence Lab; couch/whiteboard area near Ashok's office)
Office Email: bryan.wiltgen@gatech.edu
Office Hours: T/Th, 10:00am - 11:00am (or by appointment)
GTA: Hayley Borck
Office: CCB Commons
Office Email: hborck3@gatech.edu
Office Hours: W, 2:00pm-5:00pm

Basic Course
Structured knowledge representations.
Knowledge-based methods of problem solving, planning, decision making, and
CS 4635 and CS 7637 are
the undergraduate and graduate sections, respectively, of the same class. In either case, this is a "core" course. It is also a challenging course, involving significant amounts of independent work including both readings and projects.
ReadingsThere is no textbook; the instructor will provide handouts from:
- Artificial Intelligence, Patrick Winston, 3rd edition.
- Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich & Kevin Knight, 2nd edition
- Knowledge Systems, Mark Stefik.
- Review and research papers on selected topics.
Graduate students will
take turns taking notes in the class and posting them to the class T-Square page.