- Global EVaction_set_output (CManager cm, EVstone stone, EVaction action, int output_index, EVstone target_stone)
- Early EVPath associated output ports with actions individually, with the result that the topology of the stone graph was potentially multiplex for each action, rather than being a property of the stone. This is now changed, and all actions share the same set of output ports. When this routine is called, the action parameter is ignored, but new code should use EVstone_set_output().
- Global EVassoc_filter_action (CManager cm, EVstone stone, FMStructDescList incoming_format_list, EVSimpleHandlerFunc handler, EVstone out_stone, void *client_data)
- This function needs to go away and instead the functionality should be integrated into a new create_*_action_spec() call that would then be passed to EVassoc_immediate_action().
- Global EVsubmit_general (EVsource source, void *data, EVFreeFunction free_func, attr_list attrs)
- This function is used to underly ECho, which allows the free function to be specified with the submit. New applications should specify the free function in the submit handle.