Software Guide
Version: 2.3.0c
Operating System: IRIX 5.2
Machines: All Silicon Graphics
A site-license for Blue Moon Rendering Tools (BMRT) has been purchased and the package has been installed on the SGI systems. BMRT is a collection of programs which allows previewing and rendering of 3-D scene models. All are compatible with the RenderMan Interface Standard, developed by Pixar. The BMRT consists of the following programs:
The BMRT consists of the following programs:
Advanced Users
In addition, BMRT also supplies a RIB client library (a binding
of the RenderMan procedural interface which results in the output
of RIB to stdout or to a file), and some other utilities of
interest to developers.
To be sure that rendrib can find the shaders, set a shell environment variable SHADERS to a path which includes the shaders directory. For example, if you use ksh, you can put the following line in your .profile:
export SHADERS=.:/usr/local/shaders:~/myshaders
This works much like the PATH environment variable.
The slc (Shading Language compiler) needs cpp in its path. Be sure to find out where cpp lives on your system and add that directory to your execution path.
You can copy the file .rendribrc in the /net/projects/src/sgi/bmrt2.3.0c directory to your HOME area and alter it to customize some of the functionality of rendrib. The .rendribrc file is simply RIB which will be read prior to any other files sent to any of the renderers.
There is complete documention for BMRT in the following files:
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