a3ds2flt (1) - converts 3D-Studio (.3ds)
files to OpenFlight (.flt) format
abicc (1) - ABI C compiler
acroread (1) - Adobe Acrobat Reader
aedimage (1) - RADIANCE driver for AED 512 color graphics
aifc2aiff (1) - convert an AIFF-C file to an AIFF file
aifccompress (1) - compress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcdecompress (1) - decompress the audio data in an AIFF-C file
aifcinfo (1) - describes contents of AIFF-C or AIFF file
aifcresample (1) - perform sampling rate conversion on an AIFF-C file
aiff2aifc (1) - convert an AIFF file to an AIFF-C file
alias2flt (1) - convert Alias wire files to OpenFlight (.flt) format
AliasToIv (1) - convert an Alias wire file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
anytopnm (1) - attempt to convert an unknown type
of image file to a portable anymap
jar, java, javac, javadoc, javah, javakey, javap, jdb (1) - Java Execution
and Development Environments
applymap (1) - Apply the color map in an RLE file to the
pixel data
arch2rad (1) - convert Architrion text file to
RADIANCE description
arp (1M) - address resolution display and control
asciitopgm (1) - convert ASCII graphics into a
portable graymap
athenaps, motifps (1) - display utilities for Mathematica under the X
Window System
atktopbm (1) - convert Andrew Toolkit raster object to
portable bitmap
ator (1) - Alias to RenderMan
(wirefile to RIB) converter.
auconvert (1) - perform various conversion
operations on sound files
auctl (1) - control various audio server
audemo (1) - Network Audio System record and play demo
audial (1) - generate or recognize touch tones for North American
audio (1) - Introduction to audio facilities
audiocompose (1) - Compose an audio fragment for inclusion in a mail
audiopanel (1) -
control panel for Audio Hardware: input and output levels, rates and
audiosend (1) - Send an audio email message
audiostate (1)
- simple audio hardware state display tool
auedit (1) - graphically record and
edit audio files
auinfo (1) - show information about a Network Audio
System server
aupanel (1) - allows user adjustment of Network Audio
System device attributes
auphone (1) - a simple telephone client
auplay (1) - play a sound file to a Network Audio System server
aurecord (1) - record a sound file from a Network Audio System server
auscope (1) - Network Audio System Protocol Filter
auserver (1) -
Network Audio System server
autool (1) - audio play/record tool compatible with
auwave (1) - demonstrates the use of waveforms
avg4 (1) - Downfilter an image by simple averaging.
backtrace (1D) - Caustics demo in OpenGL
bdftopcf (1)
- convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled
bibtex (1) - make a bibliography for
BibTool (1) - BibTeX file manipulation tool
bioradtopgm (1) -
convert a Biorad confocal file into a portable graymap
bison (1) - GNU
Project parser generator (yacc replacement)
bitmap, bmtoa, atobm (1) -
bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System
(1) - display bucket file using PhotoRealistic RenderMan display service
BlendAlphaImg (1EXP)
BlurImg (1EXP)
bmptoppm (1) - convert a BMP file into a
portable pixmap
BoundBox (1EXP)
BoundBoxPyr (1EXP)
brushtopbm (1) - convert a doodle brush file into a portable bitmap
capture (1)
- record movies, images, or sounds
catrib (1) - read and, possibly, convert a RIB file
cb (1) -
C program beautifier
cbizcard (1) - electronic business card for a
CC (1) - C++ compiler
cc, c89 (1) - MIPS and MIPSpro C
cccp, cpp (1) - The GNU C-Compatible Compiler Preprocessor.
cdman (1) - play audio CD in CD-ROM
drive through audio hardware datman (1) - play and record audio tapes in
DAT drive
cdplayer (1) - play audio CDs on a CD-ROM drive
cl_mpeg1 (3dm) - MPEG-1 schemes in the Compression
cmidi (1M) - graphical user interface for midi port setup
cmstaggif (1) - associate an ICC
device profile with a GIF image
cmstaggif (1) - associate an ICC
device profile with an SGI image
cmstagtiff (1) - associate an ICC
device profile with a TIFF image
cmuwmtopbm (1) - convert a CMU window
manager bitmap into a portable bitmap
cocogif (1) - color correct a GIF stream
cocostiff (1) - color correct a TIFF stream
colorview (1) - display list of X11 colors and show selected
ColorXform (1EXP)
cosmocode (1) -
Environment for developing and debugging Java programs
cosmocreate (1)
- WYSIWYG HTML authoring tool
cosmoplayer (1) - Netscape Plugin that
allows you to view VRML files
cpp (1) -
the C language preprocessor
cvd (1) - The WorkShop Debugger
cv_gl_controller (1) - service program for gldebug
dayfact (1) - compute illuminance and daylight factor on workplane
dviconcat (1) - concatenate DVI files
dvips (1) -
convert a TeX DVI file to PostScript
dvirle (1) - convert dvi version
2 files, produced by TeX82, to RLE images
dviselect (1) - extract
pages from DVI files
dvitype (1) - translate a dvi file for humans
dx (1V) - start one or both of the Data Explorer user interface (dxui)
the executive (dxexec) or the Data Prompter or the Module Builder.
dxf2flt (1) - converts AutoCAD (.dxf) files to OpenFlight (.flt)
DxfToIv (1) - converts an Autodesk Data Exchange File format
(.DXF) file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
enscript (1) - convert text files to PostScript
etex (1) -
extended plain TeX
f2p (1) - translates fig output into pic language
(1) - Fig to Postscript translator
f77, fort77 (1) - MIPS and MIPSpro
F77 compiler
f90 (1) - MIPSpro F90 compiler
falsecolor (1) - make a false color RADIANCE picture
fant (1) - perform simple spatial
transforms on an image
findglare (1) - locate
glare sources in a RADIANCE scene
findvis (1G) - list OpenGL-capable
Visuals meeting selection criteria
fitstopnm (1) - convert a FITS file into a portable anymap
flt2dxf (1) - converts OpenFlight (.flt) files to AutoCAD (.dxf)
flt2iv (1) - converts OpenFlight (.flt) files to Open Inventor
(.iv) files.
fontview (1) - Display PostScript
font viewer
g++ (1) - GNU
project C++ Compiler
g3topbm (1) - convert a Group 3 fax file into a
portable bitmap
gcc (1) - GNU project C and Ada Compiler (v2.7.0)
gcc, g++
(1) - GNU project C and C++ Compiler (v2.7)
gcomp (1) - do computations on a graph file.
(1) - The GNU Debugger
gemtopbm (1) - convert a GEM .img file into a
portable bitmap
genbox (1) - generate a RADIANCE description of a box
genprism (1) - generate a RADIANCE description of a prism
(1) - generate a RADIANCE description of surface of revolution
(1) - generate a RADIANCE description of the sky
gensurf (1) -
generate a RADIANCE description of a curved surface
genworm (1) -
generate a RADIANCE description of a functional worm
get4d (1) - get RLE images
to a Silicon Graphics Iris/4D display
getbbox (1) - compute bounding box for RADIANCE scene
getx11 (1)
- get RLE images to an X11 display
gfxinfo (1G) - display graphics subsystems information
ggd (1M) -
rate-guarantee-granting daemon
ghostview (1) - View PostScript
documents using ghostscript
giftopnm (1) - convert a GIF file into a
portable anymap
giftorle (1) - Convert GIF images to RLE format
glare (1) - perform glare and visual comfort calculations
(1) - calculate glare index
gldebug (1) - debug utility for GL programs
glp, PrintPanel (1) - graphical lp
printing command
GLXINFO (1G) - display info about a GLX extension and OpenGL renderer
gmake (1L) - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs
gnuplot (1) - an
interactive plotting program
gouldtoppm (1) - convert Gould scanner
file into a portable pixmap
grap (1) - pic preprocessor for drawing graphs
(1) - Merges gray scale images into an RLE format file.
gs (1) - Aladdin
Ghostscript interpreter/previewer
gview (1) - graph viewer for Inventor 3d databases
hinv (1M) - hardware inventory command
hipstopgm (1) - convert a HIPS
file into a portable graymap
IconSmith (1) - an interactive tool for editing polygon-based icons
icontopbm (1) - convert a Sun icon into a portable bitmap
ies2rad (1) - convert IES
luminaire data to RADIANCE description
igraph (1) - interactive graphing program
ilbmtoppm (1)
- convert an ILBM file into a portable pixmap
ilImgStat (3) - computes 1-D histogram, min, max, mean and standard
deviation of an image
ILmonitor (1) - monitoring applications that use
the ImageVision Library
ilptops (1) - convert a text file into a
PostScript file
imadjust (1IM) - adjusts pixel values in an image
image2vrml (1) - convert an image file into a VRML ImageTexture and
indexed face set
imagew (1) - output metafile to Apple Imagewriter
imcat (1IM) -
Concatenates multiple image files into a single image file
(1IM) - Roll color lookup table by a number of entries
imcomp (1IM) -
composite two images together
imconv (1IM) - Convert between image
file formats
imcopy (1IM) - Copy a portion of an image to a new file
imdissolve (1IM) - Dissolve any field between two images and
store in a new file
imfile (1IM) - Discerns the image format of a file
or files
imfill (1IM) - fills pixels in part or all of an image
imflip (1IM) - Flip images vertically or horizontally and store in a
new file
imformats (1IM) - List information on image file formats
imgcopy (1) - copy and convert image file
imged (1G) - small image
imgformats (1) - list supported image file formats
(1) - obtain information about image files
imglab (1) - Universal
image processing tool
imgray (1IM) - Convert an image to grayscale
imgtoppm (1) -
convert an Img-whatnot file into a portable pixmap
imgview (1) -
displays image files
imgworks (1) - visual tool for enhancing image
imhist (1IM) - compute a histogram of an image
imkey (1IM) -
keys a foreground image over a background image
imlighten (1IM) -
Lighten or darken an image
immono (1IM) - Convert an image to
impaste (1IM) - Paste an image atop a background and store
in a new file
impress (1) - convert metafile to imPress language for
imroll (1IM) - Rolls images vertically and/or horizontally
imrotate (1IM) - rotate an image
imscale (1IM) - Scales an image
up or down and saves it in a new file
imshear (1IM) - shear an image
imsplit (1IM) - Splits a multi-image file into separate files
imstoryboard (1IM) - Paste images together to create a storyboard
initex (1) - initial TeX for making format (.fmt) files
inpcontrol (1) - InPerson control tool
inperson (1) - InPerson
desktop conferencing for SGI workstations
intro_fltcnv (1) - introduction to format converters between various
3D graphics formats and OpenFlight format
Inventor (1) - a toolkit for
writing 3d programs
IRIS Explorer (1) - the IRIS Explorer Map Editor
issndfile (1) - checks if a file is in
a recognized audio file format
iv2flt (1) - converts Open
Inventor (.iv) files to OpenFlight (.flt) format
iv2toiv1 (1) -
converts Inventor 2.0 files to the Inventor 1.0 format
ivcat (1) -
concatenates and converts Inventor files
ivdowngrade (1) - converts
Inventor 2.1 files to the Inventor 2.0 and 1.0 formats
ivfix (1) -
restructures an Inventor object for improved rendering performance
ivinfo (1) - Prints information about Inventor files
IvToRib (1) -
convert an Open Inventor 2.0 file to a Renderman .rib file
(1) - convert Inventor files to VRML
ivview (1) - fast, interactive 3D
viewer of Inventor files
lampcolor (1) - compute spectral radiance for
diffuse emitter
lamstex (1) - structured text formatting and
latex (1) - structured
text formatting and typesetting
lispmtopgm (1) - convert a Lisp Machine bitmap
file into pgm format
makemap (1G) - store colors into the gl color map
makemovie (1) - make a movie from movie, image, and audio files
math (1) - Mathematica kernel
mathematica (1) - Mathematica system
for X
matlab (1L)
- script file for invoking MATLAB
mbuilder (1) - The IRIS Explorer
Module Builder
mcc (1) - MathLink template file compiler
meta2tga (1) - convert
metafile to Targa image format
metamail (1) - infrastructure for
mailcap-based multimedia mail handling
metasend (1) - Crude interface
for sending non-text mail
mex (1L) - builds a MATLAB MEX-file from C
and/or Fortran sources
mgattrhdr (1MG) - mgattrhdr reads, and modifies an
Texture attribute file.
mgflt2ded (1MG) - mgflt2ded populates a pre-existing
ded file with the elevation data from a flt formatted file.
mggenmipmaps (1MG) - mggenmipmaps generates mipmaps levels for a
mosaic'ed image.
mgmosaic (1MG) - mgmosaic creates a Tiled Texture or
a Clip Tex- ture from a set of ortho-rectified images.
mgrtopbm (1) -
convert a MGR bitmap into a portable bitmap
midikeys (1) - 3D
graphical MIDI keyboard controller
midisynth (1) - MIDI sound
synthesizer server
mimencode (1) - Translate to and from mail-oriented encoding formats
mkillum (1) - compute
illum sources for a RADIANCE scene
moviemaker (1) - interactive
editor for movie files
movieplayer (1) - player for movie files
(1) - POSTSCRIPT pretty printer
mpeg_play (1) - plays mpeg-1 encoded bitstreams using X11
mtvtoppm (1) -
convert output from the MTV or PRT ray tracers into a portable pixmap
DCC (1) - 32-bit Delta/C++ compiler
netrender (1) - render an image using one or more
Network RenderMan render servers.
netscape (1) - The premier World
Wide Web browser.
Network Audio System (1) -
a portable, network-transparent audio system
noodle (1) - interactive 3d modeling program
normpat (1) -
normalize RADIANCE pictures for use as patterns.
nrmcontrol (1) - Network RenderMan render server control
nrmserver (1) - Network RenderMan render server program.
obj2flt (1) - converts Wavefront (.obj)
files to OpenFlight (.flt) format
ObjToIv (1) - convert a Wavefront
.obj file to Open Inventor 2.0 format
objview (1) - view RADIANCE
OCC (1) - old (cfront-based) C++ compiler
oconv (1) - create an octree from a RADIANCE scene
pbmlife (1) - apply
Conway's rules of Life to a portable bitmap
pbmmake (1) - create a
blank bitmap of a specified size
pbmmask (1) - create a mask bitmap
from a regular bitmap
pbmreduce (1) - read a portable bitmap and
reduce it N times
pbmtext (1) - render text into a bitmap
(1) - convert a portable bitmap into Gemini 10X printer graphics
pbmto4425 (1) - Display PBM images on an AT&T 4425 terminal
pbmtoascii (1) - convert a portable bitmap into ASCII graphics
pbmtoatk (1) - convert portable bitmap to Andrew Toolkit raster object
pbmtobg (1) - convert a portable bitmap into BitGraph graphics
pbmtocmuwm (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a CMU window manager
pbmtoepsi (1) - convert a portable bitmap into an encapsulated
PostScript style preview bitmap
pbmtoepson (1) - convert a portable
bitmap into Epson printer graphics
pbmtog3 (1) - convert a portable
bitmap into a Group 3 fax file
pbmtogem (1) - convert a portable
bitmap into a GEM .img file
pbmtogo (1) - convert a portable bitmap
into compressed GraphOn graphics
pbmtoicon (1) - convert a portable
bitmap into a Sun icon
pbmtolj (1) - convert a portable bitmap into HP
LaserJet format
pbmtoln03 (1) - convert protable bitmap to DEC LN03+
Sixel output
pbmtomacp (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a MacPaint
pbmtomgr (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a MGR bitmap
pbmtopi3 (1) - convert a portable bitmap into an Atari Degas .pi3 file
pbmtopk (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a packed (PK) format font
pbmtoplot (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a Unix plot(5) file
pbmtoptx (1) - convert a portable bitmap into Printronix printer
pbmtox10bm (1) - convert a portable bitmap into an X10 bitmap
pbmtoxbm (1) - convert a portable bitmap into an X11 bitmap
(1) - create a Universal Product Code bitmap
pc (1) - MIPS Pascal
pca (1) - Power C Analyzer
pcomb (1) - combine RADIANCE
pcompos (1) - composite RADIANCE pictures.
pcxtoppm (1)
- convert a PCX file into a portable pixmap
pdf2dsc (1) - generate a
PS page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript PDF to
PostScript translator
perl (1) - Practical Extraction and Report Language
pextrem (1) - find minimum and maximum
values in RADIANCE picture
pfa (1) - POWER FORTRAN Accelerator
pfa2pfb (1) - convert PostScript Type 1 font from ASCII to binary
pfb2pfa (1) - convert PostScript Type 1 font from binary
encoding to ASCII encoding
pfdLoadFont, pfdLoadFont_type1 (3pf) -
Utilities for loading fonts into Performer applications
pfilt (1) -
filter a RADIANCE picture
pflip (1) - flip a RADIANCE picture.
pgmbentley (1) - Bentleyize a portable graymap
pgmcrater (1) - create cratered terrain by fractal forgery
(1) - edge-detect a portable graymap
pgmenhance (1) - edge-enhance a
portable graymap
pgmhist (1) - print a histogram of the values in a
portable graymap
pgmkernel (1) - generate a convolution kernel
pgmnoise (1) - create a graymap made up of white noise
pgmnorm (1)
- normalize the contrast in a portable graymap
pgmoil (1) - turn a
portable graymap into an oil painting
pgmramp (1) - generate a
grayscale ramp
pgmtexture (1) - calculate textural features on a
portable graymap
pgmtofs (1) - convert portable graymap to Usenix
FaceSaver(tm) format
pgmtolispm (1) - convert a portable graymap into
Lisp Machine format
pgmtopbm (1) - convert a portable graymap into a
portable bitmap
pgmtoppm (1) - colorize a portable graymap into a
portable pixmap
pgmtorle (1) - convert a pbmplus/pgm image file into
an RLE image file.
pgmtoybm (1) - convert a portable bitmap into a
Bennet Yee "face" file
pgp (1) - Pretty Good Privacy encryption system
pi1toppm (1) - convert an Atari Degas .pi1 into a portable pixmap
pi3topbm (1) - convert an Atari Degas .pi3 file into a portable bitmap
pic (1) - troff preprocessor for drawing simple pictures
(1) - convert a Macintosh PICT file into a portable pixmap
pinterp (1) -
interpolate/extrapolate view from pictures
pixdump (1) - print out the
tables in SpeedShop instrumented executables
pjtoppm (1) - convert an HP PaintJet file to a portable pixmap
pktopbm (1) -
convert packed (PK) format font into portable bitmap(s)
pktype (1) -
translate a packed font file for humans to read
plaintov (1Vi) - convert image from
Vista plain file format to Vista data file
playaifc, playaiff (1) - play an AIFF-C (or AIFF) audio sample
plotin (1) - convert plot(5) to metafile(5) primitives
(1) - convert property list files to TeX font metric (tfm) format
pnmalias (1) - antialias a portable anyumap.
pnmarith (1)
- perform arithmetic on two portable anymaps
pnmcat (1) - concatenate
portable anymaps
pnmcomp (1) - composite two portable anymap files
pnmconvol (1) - general MxN convolution on a portable anymap
pnmcrop (1) - crop a portable anymap
pnmcut (1) - cut a rectangle
out of a portable anymap
pnmdepth (1) - change the maxval in a
portable anymap
pnmenlarge (1) - read a portable anymap and enlarge it
N times
pnmfile (1) - describe a portable anymap
pnmflip (1) -
perform one or more flip operations on a portable anymap
pnmgamma (1)
- perform gamma correction on a portable anymap
pnmhistmap (1) - draw
a histogram for a PGM or PPM file
pnmindex (1) - build a visual index
of a bunch of anymaps
pnminvert (1) - invert a portable anymap
pnmmargin (1) - add a border to a portable anymap
pnmnlfilt (1) -
non-linear filters: smooth, alpha trim mean, optimal estimation smoothing,
edge enhancement.
pnmnoraw (1) - force a portable anymap into plain
pnmpaste (1) - paste a rectangle into a portable anymap
pnmrotate (1) - rotate a portable anymap by some angle
(1) - scale a portable anymap
pnmshear (1) - shear a portable anymap
by some angle
pnmsmooth (1) - smooth out an image
pnmtile (1) -
replicate a portable anymap into a specified size
pnmtofits (1) -
convert a portable anymap into FITS format
pnmtops (1) - convert
portable anymap to PostScript
pnmtorast (1) - convert a portable
pixmap into a Sun rasterfile
pnmtosgi (1) - convert a portable anymap
to a SGI image file
pnmtosir (1) - convert a portable anymap into a
Solitaire format
pnmtotiff (1) - convert a a portable anymap into a
TIFF file
pnmtov (1Vi) - convert portable anymap (PNM) image to Vista
data file
pnmtoxwd (1) - convert a portable anymap into an X11 window
(1) - show status of open audio ports
ppm3d (1) - convert two portable pixmap
into a red/blue 3d glasses pixmap
ppmbrighten (1) - change an images
Saturation and Value from an HSV map
ppmchange (1) - change all pixels
of one color to another in a portable pixmap
ppmdim (1) - dim a
portable pixmap down to total blackness
ppmdist (1) - simplistic
grayscale assignment for machine generated, color images
ppmdither (1)
- ordered dither for color images
ppmflash (1) - brighten a picture up
to complete white-out
ppmforge (1) - fractal forgeries of clouds,
planets, and starry skies
ppmhist (1) - print a histogram of a
portable pixmap
ppmmake (1) - create a pixmap of a specified size and
ppmmix (1) - blend together two portable pixmaps
ppmnorm (1)
- normalize the contrast in a portable pixmap
ppmntsc (1) - make a
portable pixmap look like taken from an American TV
ppmpat (1) - make
a pretty pixmap
ppmquant (1) - quantize the colors in a portable
pixmap down to a specified number
ppmquantall (1) - run ppmquant on a
bunch of files all at once, so they share a common colormap
(1) - 8 plane quantization
ppmrelief (1) - run a Laplacian relief
filter on a portable pixmap
ppmshift (1) - shift lines of a portable
pixmap left or right by a random amount
ppmspread (1) - displace a
portable pixmap's pixels by a random amount
ppmtoacad (1) - convert
portable pixmap to AutoCAD database or slide
ppmtobmp (1) - convert a
portable pixmap into a BMP file
ppmtogif (1) - convert a portable
pixmap into a GIF file
ppmtoicr (1) - convert a portable pixmap into
NCSA ICR format
ppmtoilbm (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an ILBM
ppmtomap (1) - extract all colors from a portable pixmap
ppmtomitsu (1) - convert a portable pixmap to a Mitsubishi S340-10
ppmtopcx (1) - convert a portable pixmap into a PCX file
ppmtopgm (1) - convert a portable pixmap into a portable graymap
ppmtopi1 (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an Atari Degas .pi1 file
ppmtopict (1) - convert a portable pixmap into a Macintosh PICT file
ppmtopj (1) - convert a portable pixmap to an HP PaintJet file
ppmtopjxl (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an HP PaintJet XL PCL
ppmtopuzz (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 "puzzle"
ppmtorgb3 (1) - separate a portable pixmap into three portable
ppmtorle (1) - convert a PBMPLUS/ppm image file into an RLE
image file.
ppmtosixel (1) - convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel
ppmtotga (1) - convert portable pixmap into a TrueVision Targa
ppmtouil (1) - convert a portable pixmap into a Motif UIL icon
ppmtoxpm (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an X11 pixmap
ppmtoyuv (1) - convert a portable pixmap into an Abekas YUV file
ppmtoyuvsplit (1) - convert a portable pixmap into 3 subsampled raw
YUV files
preallocColors (1X) - preallocate colors to minimize
desktop colormap flashing
prmanuse (1) - print list of current
PhotoRealistic RenderMan users.
ps2ascii (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript
PostScript or PDF to ASCII translator
ps2epsi (1) - generate
conforming postscript
ps2fax (1M) - image PostScript for facsimile
ps2pdf (1) - Aladdin Ghostscript PostScript to PDF
Psfig/TeX (1.10) (1) - PostScript figures in
psidtopgm (1) - convert PostScript "image" data into a portable
psign (1) - produce a RADIANCE picture from text.
(1) - convert metafile to PostScript
pspretty (1) - Postscript beautifier
psrender (1) - render Mathematica PostScript output
pstopnm (1) -
convert a PostScript file into a portable anymap
pvalue (1) - convert RADIANCE
picture to/from alternate formats
PVM (1PVM) - Parallel Virtual
Machine System Version 3
qmorf (1) - 3d morphing program
qrttoppm (1) - convert output from the
QRT ray tracer into a portable pixmap
rad (1) -
render a RADAINCE scene
rawtopgm (1) - convert raw grayscale bytes into a portable graymap
rawtoppm (1) - convert raw RGB bytes into a portable pixmap
rawtorle (1) - Convert raw image data to RLE.
ra_bn (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to/from Barneyscan image
ra_pict (1) - convert
Radiance pictures to Macintosh PICT files
ra_pixar (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to/from PIXAR picture
ra_ppm (1) - convert RADIANCE
picture to/from a Poskanzer Portable Pixmap
ra_pr (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to/from pixrect rasterfile
ra_pr24 (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to/from 24-bit rasterfile
ra_ps (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to a PostScript ASCII file
ra_rgbe (1) - change
run-length encoding of a RADIANCE picture
ra_t16 (1) - convert
RADIANCE picture to/from Targa 16 or 24-bit image file
ra_t8 (1) -
convert RADIANCE picture to/from Targa 8-bit image file
ra_tiff (1) -
convert RADIANCE picture to/from a TIFF color or greyscale image
rbview (1) - simple audio queue debugging tool
render (1) - render an
replmarks (1) -
replace triangular markers in a RADIANCE scene description
repos (1) -
reposition an RLE image
revo (1) - creates revolved 3d surfaces
rgb (1) -
convert a rgb spec file to ndbm files
rgb3toppm (1) - combine three
portable graymaps into one portable pixmap
richtext (1) - View a
richtext document, typically a mail message
rlatorle (1) - convert a
Wavefront "rla" or "rlb" image file into an RLE image file.
rleaddcom (1) - add picture comments to an RLE file.
rleaddeof (1)
- Put an end of image marker on an RLE file.
rlebg (1) - generate
simple backgrounds
rlebox (1) - print bounding box for image in an RLE
rlecat (1) - concatenate and repeat images.
rleccube (1) -
Make a picture of a color cube.
rleClock (1) - Generate a clock face
in RLE format
rlecomp (1) - Digital image compositor
rledither (1)
- Floyd Steinberg dither an image to the given colors.
rleflip (1) -
Invert, reflect or rotate an image.
rlegrid (1) - create grids and
checkerboards in rle format
rlehdr (1) - Prints the header of an RLE
rlehisto (1) - generate histogram of RLE image.
rleldmap (1)
- Load a new color map into an RLE file
rlemandl (1) - Compute images
of the Mandelbrot set.
rlenoise (1) - Add random noise to an image
rlepatch (1) - patch smaller RLE files over a larger image.
rleprint (1) - Print the values of all the pixels in the file.
rlequant (1) - variance based color quantization for RLE images
rlescale (1) - produce gray scale images.
rleselect (1) - Select
images from an RLE file.
rlesetbg (1) - Set the background value in
the RLE header.
rlespiff (1) - Use simple contrast enhancement to
"spiff up" an image.
rlesplice (1) - Splice two RLE files together
horizontally or vertically.
rlesplit (1) - split a file of
concatenated RLE images into separate image files
rlestereo (1) -
produce anaglyph from stereo pair
rleswap (1) - swap the channels in
an RLE file.
rletoabA60 (1) - convert RLE images to Abekas yuv format
rletoabA62 (1) - Convert from RLE Format to Abekas A62 Dump Format
rletoascii (1) - Print an RLE image as ASCII chars.
rletogif (1) -
Convert RLE files to GIF format.
rletogray (1) - Splits an RLE format
file into gray scale images.
rletopaint (1) - convert an RLE file to
MacPaint format using dithering
rletoppm (1) - convert a Utah RLE
image file into a PBMPLUS/ppm image file.
rletops (1) - Convert RLE
images to PostScript
rletoraw (1) - Convert RLE file to raw RGB form.
rletorla (1) - convert a Utah RLE image file into a Wavefront "rla" or
"rlb" image file.
rletotiff (1) - Convert 24 bit RLE image files to
rlezoom (1) - Magnify an RLE file by pixel replication.
rpict (1) - generate a
RADIANCE picture
rpiece (1) - render pieces of a RADIANCE picture
rtrace (1) - trace rays in RADIANCE scene
rview (1) - generate
RADIANCE images interactively
(1) - 3d editor and viewer for Inventor scenes
schemebr (1) - customize color schemes
sfconvert (1) - convert soundfiles
sfinfo (1) - display soundfile information
sfkeywords (1) - soundfile keywords used in sfinfo, sfplay, and
sfplay (1) - play soundfile
sgi2fax (1) - convert
a Silicon Graphics image file for facsimile transmission
sgitopnm (1) - convert a SGI image file to a
portable anymap
sho (1) - display an
image from any image file format
showaudio (1) - Play an audio email
showcase (1) - Basic drawing and presentation tool
showpicture (1) - View an image received in the mail
showps (1) - Adobe Systems PostScript
language document previewer.
sirtopnm (1) - convert a Solitaire file
into a portable anymap
SlaToIv (1) - convert an SLA format file into an Open Inventor 2.0
slitex (1) - make LaTeX slides
soundeditor (1) - digital audio recorder/editor
soundplayer (1) -
sound playback application
soundtoh (1) - convert a sound file to a C language header file
sox (1) - SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
spctoppm (1) - convert an Atari compressed Spectrum
file into a portable pixmap
SpeedShop (1) - an integrated package of
performance tools
(1L) - convert SPOT satellite images to Portable Greymap format
sputoppm (1) - convert an Atari
uncompressed Spectrum file into a portable pixmap
targatorle (1) - Convert Truevision TARGA images to RLE format.
tex, virtex (1) - text formatting and typesetting
(1) - syntax checker for LaTeX.
texspell (1) - finds spelling errors
in TeX documents. texproofr (1) - runs proofr on TeX's documents.
textomatic (1) -
interactive program for creating 3d text
tgatoppm (1) -
convert TrueVision Targa file into a portable pixmap
tgrind (1) -
grind nice program listings using TeX
thf2rad (1) - convert GDS things
file to RADIANCE description
tiffdiff (1) - display TIFF file differences using Photo-
Realistic RenderMan display service
tiffdiff (1) - display TIFF file
differences using PhotoRealistic RenderMan display service
(1) - display a TIFF file using PhotoRealistic RenderMan display service
tiffdump (1) - print verbatim information about TIFF files
tiffinfo (1) - print information about TIFF files
tiffjoin (1) -
combine TIFF images.
tiffsize (1) - resize TIFF image.
(1) - convert a TIFF file into a portable anymap
tifftorle (1) -
Convert TIFF image files to RLE.
ttyimage (1) - RADIANCE driver for dumb ASCII
txdspy (1) - display
texture data
txinfo (1) - output descriptive information about tex-
ture file
txinfo (1) - output descriptive information about texture
txmake (1) - convert image file into texture file
(1Vi) - convert Vista data files from V1 to V2
vadjust (1Vi) - adjust image
brightness and contrast
vat (1) -
remote audio conferencing tool
vblur (1Vi) - degrade an image
vcanny (1Vi) - detect edges in an image using a
Canny operator
vcat (1Vi) - concatenate Vista data files
(1Vi) - concatenate image bands into a single image
vcomplex (1Vi) -
build a complex image from real and imaginary components
(1Vi) - convert an image's pixel representation
vconvolve (1Vi) -
convolve or cross-correlate a pair of images
vcrop (1Vi) - crop an
vfft (1Vi) - compute the
Fourier transform of an image
vflip (1Vi) - flip an image horizontally
and/or vertically
vflow (1Vi) - compute optical flow
vftovp (1) -
convert virtual font (vf) files to virtual property lists
vgaimage (1)
- RADIANCE picture display program for VGA
vgauss (1Vi) - convolve an
image with a Gaussian filter or its derivative
vgrad (1Vi) - estimate image gradient
vgrind (1) - print nice-looking listings of programs
vic (1) - video conference
videoin (1) - Video Library
video-in-a-window tool
videoout (1) - Video Library video output from
screen tool
videopanel, vcp (1) - Video Library control panel tool
videoView (1M) - System Video Processor Information (1M) - allow
viewing of static video processor information
vidtomem (1) - Video
Library capture single frame tool
viewres (1) -
graphical class browser for Xt
vintovout (1) - Video Library video output from video
input tool
vinvert (1Vi) - invert image pixel values
virtex (1) -
virgin TeX for production typesetting
vistat (1Vi) - report image
vlayout (1Vi) - arrange several
Encapsulated PostScript documents on a page
vlcmd (1) - Video Library
command line interface
vlicmd (1) - interactive command shell for
vlinfo (1) - Video Library path, node and control info tool
vlink (1Vi) - link connected non-zero image pixels to form edges
vlipanel (1) - graphical user interface for VideoLab
vmag (1Vi) -
compute the magnitude of a complex image
vnegate (1Vi) - negate image pixel values
vo1_input (1) - invokes the test for the input buffer memory on
the VideoLab board
vo1_output (1) - invokes the test for the output
buffer memory on the VO1 board
vop (1Vi) - perform arithmetic or logical pixel operation
vout (1V) - composite video output control panel
vpdc (1Vi) -
compile a Vista parameter definition file
vphase (1Vi) - compute the
phase of a complex image
vptovf (1) - convert virtual property lists
to virtual font metrics
vrgbtogray (1Vi) - convert an RGB color image
to gray-scale
vrmllint (1) - VRML validity checker
vrotate (1Vi) -
rotate an image
vscale (1Vi) - scale the dimensions of image and edge
vsegedges (1Vi) - segment edges into straight lines
(1Vi) - select bands from an image
vselect (1Vi) - select objects from
a Vista data file
vsynth (1Vi) - synthesize an image
vtopgm (1Vi)
- convert image from Vista data file to portable graymap
vtops (1Vi) -
render image and edge sets using PostScript
vtranspose (1Vi) -
transpose the rows and columns of an image
vxview (1Vi) - display
Vista data files
vzeroc (1Vi) - mark zero crossings in an image
weave (1) -
translate WEB to TeX
webclone (1) - clone portions of the World Wide
webjumper (1) - tool to make jumpsite icons for the World Wide Web
webspace (1) - 3D Viewer for the
World Wide Web
wonderland (1) - explore the wonders of Display PostScript rendering
xanim (1) -
multiformat animation viewer for X
xbmtopbm (1) - convert an X11 or X10 bitmap into a portable
xdpr (1) - dump an X window
directly to a printer
xdvi (1) - DVI Previewer for the X
Window System
(1) - display an Encapsulated PostScript file
xfig (1) - Facility for Interactive Generation of figures
under X11
xform (1) - transform a RADIANCE
scene description
xfpixmap (1) - a small icon editor for Xpm 3 files
xglaresrc (1) - dislpay
glare sources under X11
ximage (1) -
RADIANCE driver for X window system
ximtoppm (1) - convert an Xim file into a
portable pixmap
xloadimage, xsetbg, xview (1) - load images into an X11 window or onto
the root window
xmag (1) - magnify parts of the screen
xpmtoppm (1) - convert an X11 pixmap into a portable pixmap
xwdtopnm (1) - convert a X11 or X10
window dump file into a portable anymap
zeisstopnm (1) - convert a Zeiss confocal file into a
portable anymap