IRIS Explorer IRIS Explorer

IRIS Explorer is a powerful and sophisticated yet easy-to-use visualisation system with a user environment that allows users and application developers to build complex applications for visualising sets of data. IRIS Explorer can also be used as a general purpose application building system.

Note: Links described as External require your machine to be connected to the Internet. Other links are local to this distribution.

Local Information

Information available on this distribution. These documents can be viewed using your local browser without needing to be directly connected to the Internet.
Documents: Introductory tutorial, On-line Manuals and Render newsletter

Posters: User stories and pictures of what IRIS Explorer can do

Contact: How to contact us for more information

External Information

External information available on the IRIS Explorer website. Accessing this information requires you to be connected to the Internet.
Info: Details about IRIS Explorer including availability, training, prices, Users' Group, FAQ and links

Modules: Details of contributed modules available on the Internet

Announce: News, job opportunities, announcements and what's changed recently on the website.

Follow these External links for more information on the underlying standards on which IRIS Explorer is built.

OpenGL VRML Open Inventor

© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1997