

This module smoothes surfaces by displacing the vertices. The connectivity between the vertices remains unchanged.

It is an implementation of the method described in the paper: A Signal Processing Approach To Fair Surface Design, G. Taubin Computer Graphics Proceedings, Siggraph 1995 p. 351

At this moment the module can only handle geometries build from IndexedTrianglStripSets (Explorer or Inventor type).

Written by: Wilfred Janssen, Academic Computing Services Amsterdam (SARA) Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Port: Input
Type: Geometry
This is the incoming geometry that needs to be smoothed.


Port: n_iterations
Type: Dial
Number of times the algorithm has to be applied to the geometry.

Port: k pass_band
Type: Dial
This is a parameter that controls the smoothing process. It is the so-called pass-band frequency. Shape changes with a frequency below (global shapes) this value are kept. Shape changes with a high frequency (spikes, steps) are fitered out.

Port: lambda
Type: Dial
This is a parameter that controls the smoothing process. It is a scale factor that controls the amount of correction per iteration.

Port: print_debug
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: quiet
Menu Item: informative
Menu Item: noisy (debugging)
With this parameter the amount of information that is printed by the module can be controlled.

Port: smooth?
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: no
Menu Item: yes
Switch smoothing on or of.


Port: Output
Type: Geometry
This is the resulting, smoothed geometry.


At this moment the module can only handle geometries build from IndexedTrianglStripSets (Explorer or Inventor type).


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