Port: Multiplier
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Multiplier for displacements
Port: Filename
Type: Text
Input xdb filename
Port: Loadstep
Type: Slider
Selector for load step (subcase). This widget is hidden
if there is only one DISPR record or analysis type is not STATICS
Port: Deform
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Deformed
Menu Item: Undeformed
Choose whether to output displaced or original coordinates
Port: Mode
Type: Slider
Selector for Mode number. This widget is hidden if there is only
one mode or it is not a MODAL analysis
Port: Super
Type: Slider
The super element number (1-based). This is not the user defined
super element, but a numerical selector from the set.
Port: Node
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 1-D.
This is the node lattice
Port: Pyramid
Type: Pyramid
Constraints: 0..3-layer.
2..3-D compression.
n-compression type.
The output pyramid