This module makes up for a lack of functionality in DisplaceLat, in which that module cannot displace an input lattice by a single dimension.
Note that the first input must be curvilinear. The second input must have a data array of the same dimensionality as the coordinates of the first input. This situation is checked, but the resulting message (on an error condition) invokes a LatFunction scripting error. The message you need to see is in the comment of the offending statement. Pretty gross hack, eh?
Port: First In
Type: Lattice
Constraints: curvilinear.
The lattice to be displaced.
Port: Second In
Type: Lattice
The data array is used to displace the First In lattice. This entire
array is appended to the coordinate channels of First In.
Port: Scale
Type: Dial
Scale the displacement by this amount.
Port: First Out
Type: Lattice
Constraints: curvilinear.
The displaced lattice. If the inputs have
m = nCoordVar(First In)
n = nDataVar (Second In)
m+n == nCoordVar(First Out)