Port: CIA Map Directory
Type: Text
The CIA Map Directory parameter should be set to the directory
in which the CIA and plate boundary maps may be found. The CIA
maps are available by anonymous ftp from hanauma.stanford.edu
( The compressed version found there will untar into a map
directory with subdirectories named africa.Map, asia.Map, europe.Map,
namer.Map, and samer.Map. The original database (not the compressed
version used here) is available from the U.S. Government and is in the
public domain. The USGS_plates.txt file included with this module
should be added to the map directory if you need plate boundary maps.
The maps consume about 13 megabytes of disk space.
Port: International
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Definite
Menu Item: Indefinite
Menu Item: Other
The International and National menus refer to political
Port: Coasts, Islands, and Lakes
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Major
Menu Item: Additional Major
Menu Item: Intermediate
Menu Item: Minor
Menu Item: Intermittent Major
Menu Item: Intermittent Minor
Port: Reefs, etc.
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Reefs
Menu Item: Salt Pans
Menu Item: Both
Port: Ice
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Glaciers
Menu Item: Shelves
Menu Item: Both
Port: Parallels
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Equator
Menu Item: Tropics
Menu Item: Every 20
Menu Item: Every 10
Menu Item: Every 5
Menu Item: Every 1
The Parallels and Meridians menus place grid lines on the map,
spaced as indicated. The lines consist of 1 degree segments and will
therefore curve when used with the Projector module.
Port: Meridians
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Prime
Menu Item: Every 90
Menu Item: Every 45
Menu Item: Every 20
Menu Item: Every 10
Menu Item: Every 5
Menu Item: Every 1
The Parallels and Meridians menus place grid lines on the map,
spaced as indicated. The lines consist of 1 degree segments and will
therefore curve when used with the Projector module.
Port: Rivers
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Permanent Major
Menu Item: Additional Major
Menu Item: Additional
Menu Item: Minor
Menu Item: Double Lined
Menu Item: Intermittent Major
Menu Item: Intermittent Additional
Menu Item: Intermittent Minor
Port: Canals
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Major
Menu Item: Lesser
Menu Item: Irrigation
Port: Precision
Type: Text
The Precision parameter should be set to the size, in seconds, of
the largest feature which the decimation routine will eliminate. Usually
this should be no higher that 3600 seconds (1 degree). A setting of 1
second will include all features since raw map coordinates are in integer
numbers of seconds. Most features on the map appear to be on the order
of thirty seconds. The decimation algorithm operates by combining as
many line segments smaller than precision as possible such that their
total vector length is still less than Precision into a single line segment.
This will tend to eliminate features smaller than Precision and small
islands may be reduced to a segment of zero length.
Port: Min Longitude
Type: Text
The Min/Max Latitude/Longitude parameters control the region
of the earth to be mapped and are in degrees. Latitudes may take on any
value as long as Min < Max and they span no more than 360 degrees.
Port: Max Longitude
Type: Text
The Min/Max Latitude/Longitude parameters control the region
of the earth to be mapped and are in degrees. Latitudes may take on any
value as long as Min < Max and they span no more than 360 degrees.
Port: Min Latitude
Type: Text
The Min/Max Latitude/Longitude parameters control the region
of the earth to be mapped and are in degrees. Latitudes may take on any
value as long as Min < Max and they span no more than 360 degrees.
Port: Max Latitude
Type: Text
The Min/Max Latitude/Longitude parameters control the region
of the earth to be mapped and are in degrees. Latitudes may take on any
value as long as Min < Max and they span no more than 360 degrees.
Port: National
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: Definite
Menu Item: Indefinite
Menu Item: Other
The International and National menus refer to political
boundaries. National boundaries only exist for the U.S. states and
Canadian provinces.
Port: Plates
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: None
Menu Item: All
Port: Output
Type: Pyramid
Constraints: n-layer.
n-D compression.
n-compression type.
The output pyramid follows the finite element convention and is
suitable for feeding into PyrToGeom. The coordinates are curvilinear
and of the form (longitude, latitude, 0.0). There is a single data variable
which is set to a number from 0 to 99 depending on the particular
feature that is represented. When a colormap is used with PyrToGeom,
this data allows each feature to have different color.
Map Feature Color Numbers
The pyramids produced by the WorldMap module have data in
the base lattice which is meant for use with a colormap. Below is a table
of these color-numbers and their associated features.
1 Demarcated or delimited international boundary
2 Indefinite or in dispute international boundary
3 Other line of separation of sovereignty on land
21 Demarcated or delimited national boundary
22 Indefinite or in dispute national boundary
23 Other national boundary
41 Coasts, islands and lakes that appear on all maps
42 Additional major islands and lakes
43 Intermediate islands and lakes
44 Minor islands and lakes
46 Intermittent major lakes
47 Intermittent minor lakes
48 Reefs
49 Salt pans-major
50 Salt pans-minor
53 Ice shelves-major
54 Ice shelves-minor
55 Glaciers
61 Permanent major rivers
62 Additional major rivers
63 Additional rivers
64 Minor rivers
65 Double lined rivers
66 Intermittent rivers-major
67 Intermittent rivers-additional
68 Intermittent rivers-minor
70 Major canals
71 Canals of lesser importance
72 Canals-irrigation type
81 Plate boundaries
99 Grid lines / BendBox output
Boundaries which are also coastlines or rivers are not included in the boundary files. Thus, in order to see the outline of Minnesota, it is necessary to turn on Major Coastlines, Major Rivers, Definite International, and Definite National. Most of the option menus (see exceptions below) operate on the principle that if you want, for example, Minor Rivers, you also want Major Rivers. Therefore selecting a feature on an option menu implies selecting all features above it on the menu as well. Of course some options, such as Plates, are simply all or none. The Reefs, etc. and Ice menus are the exception to the above. Due to the limited number of input ports allowed by explorer, it was necessary to combine features in these menus. Thus the options are none, one, the other, or both.