LatGplot can optionally be driven by a gnuplot script. If the script is not provided, LatGplot will use its default options to draw a plot
LatGplot can handle only 1 and 2 dimensional lattices with uniform or perimeter coordinate types. Like the Graph module, LatGplot has just one input port. If multiple graphs are to be drawn in one plot, construct a lattice with nDataVar > 1. All primitive data types are supported - i.e. byte, short, long, float, double.
The following nameing convention is used to bind the input port name to variables that can be used in a gnuplot script : <port>N will refer to the Nth channel of the input lattice. If the lattice has fewer than N channels, LatGplot will ignore the variable <port>N.
Port: LatIn
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 1..2-D.
Port: PlotWin
Type: Drawing Area
Port: PlotFile
Type: Text
Port: HCopy
Type: Option Menu
2. Font handling is obnoxious.
3. Infinite recursion will result when a popup warning/error dialogue overlaps LatGplot's drawing area. (Remedy : /etc/killall LatGplot ...)
4. The gnuplot interpreter sends too much stuff to stderr.
5. /tmp will sometimes be cluttered with temporary files.
6. The implementation is not very efficient. Too much brute force. Too much copying. Future versions will optimize.
7. HCopy option menu works only with the default settings. Use the "set terminal XXXX" to make hardcopies of your scripts. Be sure to end your script with "set terminal iris4d", which sets the terminal type back to the drawing window.