Sample data from a known grid at a specified set of lookup points. Both the known grid and the lookup points are represented by lattices. The output takes the input's coordinates and data values interpolated from the known grid.
Values are interpolated either by using linear or nearest neigbour interpolation methods. For more information on the interpolation methods used and data values assigned at points outside the domain, you are referred to the man pages on cxLookupCreate and cxLookupInterp.
Port: Source
Type: Lattice
The array of known data.
Port: Interpolation Pts
Type: Lattice
The locations at which to sample the known data.
Port: Method
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Nearest Neighbor
Menu Item: Linear
Linear or nearest neighbor interpolation.
Port: Output
Type: Lattice
The sampled data.
For points outside the domain of the Source data values are returned without any indication that the points are located outside the known grid.