

What this program does is to incrementally create the Delauney graph of a given set of sites. The Delauney graph consists of all tetrahedrons of the Delauney diagram, with two tetrahedrons being linked together iff they share a common triangle. In this implementation we use the concept of "infinite tetrahedrons", being the "convex hull" of a triangle on the convex hull of the sites together with the point at infinity.

The incremental algorithm used here is derived from a convex hull algorithm due to Raimund Seidel. It takes O(n) time to insert a site into a diagram of n sites, which leads to an O(n^2) algorithm for a diagram of n sites. The space required for a diagram of n sites is O(n^2), too.

This module was implemented using code generated by:

Dr Thomas Roos Univ Wuerzburg Am Hubland D-8700 Wuerzburg, Germany


Port: Input Data
Type: Lattice
Constraints: curvilinear.
The input lattice of curvilinear points to be triangulated.


Port: jitter
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Actual data
Menu Item: Add jitter to data
Optionally add a small amount of randomness to data. This avoids coplanar problems.


Port: Output Pyramid
Type: Pyramid
Constraints: 3-layer.
3-D compression.
unique-compression type.
The resultant pyramid of tetraheras.


The program may fail if four sites in the input are coplanar, or if five sites are on a common sphere.


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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1996