

This module accepts a geometry object, and creates a new instance of the object, which may be scaled, rotated and translated according to the widget settings on the module control panel.


Port: Input Geom
Type: Geometry

Geometry of the object to be scaled, rotated, and translated.


Port: Translation X
Type: Slider

Amount over which the object is to be translated in the X direction.

Port: Translation Y
Type: Slider

Amount over which the object is to be translated in the Y direction.

Port: Translation Z
Type: Slider

Amount over which the object is to be translated in the Z direction.

Port: Scale
Type: Slider

Factor by which the object is to be scaled. The scaling is applied uniformly in all three directions, using the centre of the bounding box as the centre for scaling.

Port: Rotation Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Rotate around X Axis
Menu Item: Rotate around Y Axis
Menu Item: Rotate around Z Axis
Menu Item: Arbitrary Rotation Axis

The axis rotation goes through the centre of the bounding box, and may be parallel to the X, Y, or Z axis. Alternatively, an arbitrary direction may be specified.

Port: Rotation Angle
Type: Slider

Angle over which the object is to be rotated.

Port: X Component
Type: Slider

If an arbitrary direction is requested for the angle of rotation, the X component of the directional vector is specified using this widget.

Port: Y Component
Type: Slider

If an arbitrary direction is requested for the angle of rotation, the Y component of the directional vector is specified using this widget.

Port: Z Component
Type: Slider

If an arbitrary direction is requested for the angle of rotation, the Z component of the directional vector is specified using this widget.

Port: Show Axis
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: No Axis
Menu Item: Show Axis

Optionally, the axis of rotation may be drawn, as a visual aid for the interpretation of the resulting geometry. This may be particularly useful if an arbitrary axis of rotation is specified.

The axis is shown by a line segment, emanating from the centre of the bounding box for the input geometry, of length equal to 0.2 * the size of its main diagonal. To indicate the plane, perpendicular to the axis, a cone is also drawn; its axis is the axis of rotation, and its height and radius are one half of the length of the line segment. This axis indicator is drawn in green.


Port: Output Geom
Type: Geometry

Geometry object after scaling, rotation and translation has been applied to the input geometry object.

Port: Axis Indicator
Type: Geometry

Geometry containing the axis of rotation indicator, if requested.



This module may be used with any module that generates geometry output
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© The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1996