Once the window is opened, it will behave like the Render module. See the Render man page for further information.
Port: Input
Type: Geometry
Optional: This port is optional
This is the port where all regular geometry should be wired. The module
uses information about the connections to update the proper geometry.
Port: Annotation
Type: Geometry
Optional: This port is optional
Geometry that arrives on this port is rendered into a separate z-buffer
from geometry on the main port. The result is that geometry on this port
is always drawn in front of geometry on the main port. This may be useful
for keeping annotation unobscured.
Port: Screen
Type: Geometry
Optional: This port is optional
Geometry that arrives on this port is rendered in screen coordinates, [-1,+1]
in both x and y, and in front of all other geometry. This port can be used
to draw legends or other information that moving the camera shouldn't affect.
Port: Transform
Type: Lattice
Optional: This port is optional
Constraints: 2-D.
This is an optional 4x4 transform that is applied to all geometry. It
can be used to provide external camera control. Use of this input is
discouraged for other applications.
Port: Input Camera
Type: Geometry
Optional: This port is optional
Port: Snap
Type: Button
This input provides an interface to capture the drawing area display
into a lattice. The widget is invisible, so it must be activated by
wiring a parameter in. When data is received, the drawing area pixels
are grabbed from the screen and output as a lattice. The Render window
must not be obscured while the snapshot is being taken.
Port: Display
Type: Text
This is the module drawing area widget.
Port: Pick
Type: Pick
Pick data is output on this port on mouse button and keyboard events when
user pick mode is active.
Port: Snapshot
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 2-D.
This lattice contains a snapshot of the screen in ABGR pixel order. The
Render window must not be obscured while the snapshot is being taken.
Port: Output Camera
Type: Geometry