

MagnitudeLat computes the magnitude of Input's data values. The output lattice has the same coordinates as the input, but each data value is replaced by its magnitude. The data type is preserved.

The magnitude is normally computed as the square root of the sum of each data element squared. If the input lattice has 3 components data values and Norm Type is set to "Luminance", the lattice is interpreted as an RGB image, and the standard NTSC luminance is computed

I = 0.299*Red + 0.587*Green + 0.114*Blue
If the input lattice doesn't have 3 components, Norm Type is set to "Magnitude" and the normal magnitude is output.


Port: Input
Type: Lattice
The input data lattice


Port: Norm Type
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Magnitude
Menu Item: Luminance
Selects magnitude or luminance Output


Port: Output
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 1-vector.
Magnitude of the input lattice.


No range checking is performed if "Luminance" is requested, the input data values should be in the range [0..1].


GrayScaleImg Gradient DisplaceLat
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