Port: Input
Type: Pyramid
Constraints: 3..-layer.
n-D compression.
n-compression type.
This is the input pyramid from which to calculate an isosurface.
Port: Threshold
Type: Dial
This is the isosurface threshold value.
Port: Surface Variable
Type: Slider
This parameter controls which channel of the base lattice to test against
the isosurface threshold.
This widget is initially hidden.
Port: Smooth?
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Off
Menu Item: On
Turn gradient shading on and off.
Port: Flip Normal?
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: No
Menu Item: Yes
This parameter reverses the normals applied to the isosurface to allow lighting
of either side of the isosurface on machines that do not support
two-sided lighting
Port: Surface
Type: Geometry
This is the isosurface output as geometry.