

This module accepts a 1D curvilinear lattice and a geometry object and creates an instance of the object at each location in the lattice's coordinate array. The user can uniformly scale the objects, and also scale the Z coordinate of the position of their bases. This module is intended to help position 3D objects at points on a displaced 2D surface. It is assumed that the surface is displaced in the Z direction, and that the object is initially oriented along the Y axis.


Port: Locations
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 1-D.
Input locations. The coordinates part of the lattice is used for the positions of the objects. The data part of the lattice is ignored.

Port: Input Geom
Type: Geometry
Geometry of the object to be postioned at each location. The module assumes that the object is oriented along the +Y axis (this is the default in Inventor for simple axi-symmetric primitives such as cylinders and cones). It rotates the object so that it is oriented along the +Z axis, and shifts it so that the centre of the lower face of its bounding box (i.e. the face originally in the low XZ plane) is positioned at each of the input locations.


Port: Size
Type: Dial
Scaling factor to be applied to the object, in each dimension.

Port: ZScale
Type: Dial
Scaling factor to be applied to the Z coordinate of each location of the object.


Port: Output Geom
Type: Geometry
Output geometry. An explicit representation of the object is given for the first location; shared instancing is used for the other occurences of the object, which saves time and space.


The input objects can vary markedly in size, which might require large adjustments to the scaling parameter.


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