NAGAxis renders axes and axis titles for a 1D, 2D, or 3D lattice of arbitrary type, with user control over the axes that are drawn and the position of the tick marks on each of the displayed axes. Each axis will be drawn over the full extent of the lattice in that direction, and will go through the minimum value of the lattice in the other directions (and the origin for a 1D lattice), unless specified otherwise.
The module is based upon NAG Graphics Library routines J06APF and J06AQF.
Port: Lattice
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 1..3-D.
Input lattice for which the axes are to be displayed.
Port: X Axis Visible?
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: X Axis Off
Menu Item: X Axis On
If "X Axis Off" is selected, then no x axis will be drawn, otherwise the x axis will be drawn, and all widgets pertinent to the current choice of "X Axis Type" will be displayed.
Port: X Axis Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Automatic
Menu Item: Num Intervals
Menu Item: Interval Size
The position of the tick marks on the x axis is according to the type of axis selected.
If the type is "Automatic", then tick marks are drawn at equal intervals along the axis; up to ten intervals will be used. The tick mark intervals are chosen such that the interval size is always 2, 2.5, 5 or 10 multiplied by a scale factor of some power of ten. The axes are annotated with values in the range of 0.1 to 1000.0 with an appropriate scale factor plotted alongside the axis (if necessary).
If the type is "Num Intervals", then the axis will be subdivided into exactly N intervals, where N is the value selected on the widget "Num Intervals X".
If the type is "Interval Size", then the axis will be subdivided into intervals of size S, starting from the point P on the axis. S and P are the values selected on the widgets "Interval Size X" and "Start Point X", respectively.
Port: Num Intervals X
Type: Slider
The number of intervals into which the axis is to be divided. This number is used only if the axis type is "Num Intervals".
Port: Interval Size X
Type: Slider
The interval size to be used. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: Start Point X
Type: Slider
The start point for the tick marks to be displayed on the axis. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: X Axis Label
Type: Text
The label to be drawn centred below the axis. The maximum number of characters allowed is 132.
Port: Y Axis Visible?
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Y Axis Off
Menu Item: Y Axis On
If "Y Axis Off" is selected, then no y axis will be drawn, otherwise the y axis will be drawn, and all widgets pertinent to the current choice of "Y Axis Type" will be displayed.
Port: Y Axis Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Automatic
Menu Item: Num Intervals
Menu Item: Interval Size
The position of the tick marks on the y axis is according to the type of axis selected.
If the type is "Automatic", then tick marks are drawn at equal intervals along the axis; up to ten intervals will be used. The tick mark intervals are chosen such that the interval size is always 2, 2.5, 5 or 10 multiplied by a scale factor of some power of ten. The axes are annotated with values in the range of 0.1 to 1000.0 with an appropriate scale factor plotted alongside the axis (if necessary).
If the type is "Num Intervals", then the axis will be subdivided into exactly N intervals, where N is the value selected on the widget "Num Intervals Y".
If the type is "Interval Size", then the axis will be subdivided into intervals of size S, starting from the point P on the axis. S and P are the values selected on the widgets "Interval Size Y" and "Start Point Y", respectively.
Port: Num Intervals Y
Type: Slider
The number of intervals into which the axis is to be divided. This number is used only if the axis type is "Automatic".
Port: Interval Size Y
Type: Slider
The interval size to be used. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: Start Point Y
Type: Slider
The start point for the tick marks to be displayed on the axis. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: Y Axis Label
Type: Text
The label to be drawn centred below the axis. The maximum number of characters allowed is 132.
Port: Z Axis Visible?
Type: Radio Box
Menu Item: Z Axis Off
Menu Item: Z Axis On
If "Z Axis Off" is selected, then no z axis will be drawn, otherwise the z axis will be drawn, and all widgets pertinent to the current choice of "Z Axis Type" will be displayed.
Port: Z Axis Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Automatic
Menu Item: Num Intervals
Menu Item: Interval Size
The position of the tick marks on the z axis is according to the type of axis selected.
If the type is "Automatic", then tick marks are drawn at equal intervals along the axis; up to ten intervals will be used. The tick mark intervals are chosen such that the interval size is always 2, 2.5, 5 or 10 multiplied by a scale factor of some power of ten. The axes are annotated with values in the range of 0.1 to 1000.0 with an appropriate scale factor plotted alongside the axis (if necessary).
If the type is "Num Intervals", then the axis will be subdivided into exactly N intervals, where N is the value selected on the widget "Num Intervals Z".
If the type is "Interval Size", then the axis will be subdivided into intervals of size S, starting from the point P on the axis. S and P are the values selected on the widgets "Interval Size Z" and "Start Point Z", respectively.
Port: Num Intervals Z
Type: Slider
The number of intervals into which the axis is to be divided. This number is used only if the axis type is "Num Intervals".
Port: Interval Size Z
Type: Slider
The interval size to be used. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: Start Point Z
Type: Slider
The start point for the tick marks to be displayed on the axis. This value is used only if the axis type is "Interval Size".
Port: Z Axis Label
Type: Text
The label to be drawn centred below the axis. The maximum number of characters allowed is 132.
Port: Color
Type: Text
The color in which the axes are to be drawn. If the text typed into the slot is not recognised as a color, then the axes will be drawn in white.
Port: Origin Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Default
Menu Item: User-specified
If the type of origin is "Default" then each axis will go through the minimum value of the lattice in the other directions (and the origin for a 1D lattice). If the type of origin is "User-specified" then the axis will be drawn through the points on the other axes as specified by the widgets "X Axis Y Origin" and "X Axis Z Origin" for the x axis (and similar for the y and z axis).
Port: X Axis Y Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the x axis will be drawn through this point on the y axis.
Port: X Axis Z Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the x axis will be drawn through this point on the z axis.
Port: Y Axis X Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the y axis will be drawn through this point on the x axis.
Port: Y Axis Z Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the y axis will be drawn through this point on the z axis.
Port: Z Axis X Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the z axis will be drawn through this point on the x axis.
Port: Z Axis Y Origin
Type: Slider
If the axis origin is user-specified then the z axis will be drawn through this point on the y axis.
Port: OutputGeom
Type: Geometry
The output geometry containing the axes and axis labels.