Port: Vector Field
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 2-D.
The vector field to be visualized.
Port: Tolerance
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Specifies accuray of streamline integration.
Port: hTry
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Initial stepsize used by the adaptive integrators.
Port: hMin
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Minimum allowed stepsize of an adaptive integrator.
Port: hMax
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Maximum allowed stepsize of an adaptive integrator.
Port: Seed
Type: Parameter
Optional: This port is optional
Seed of random number generator used for computing random texture.
Port: Integrator
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Cash-Karp
Menu Item: Dormand-Prince
Menu Item: RK4(3)
Menu Item: Euler
Menu Item: Midpoint
Specifies type of streamline integrator. Cash-Karp, Dormand-Prince,
and RK4(3) are Runge-Kutta integrators with adaptive stepsize control
and error monitoring. Euler and Midpoint simple fixed size methods.
Port: L Filter
Type: Slider
Specifies length of convolution filter (in one direction). The number
corresponds to pixel lengths in the output image.
Port: L Streamline
Type: Slider
Maximum distance used for tracing and updating convolution integral
along a streamline. This parameter might be changed to optimize the
performance of the module.
Port: Scale
Type: Slider
Scaling factor applied to the vector field. Might be used to get large
images from a low-res vector field.
Port: Output Image
Type: Lattice
Constraints: 2-D.
The final LIC image.