Port: Dimensions
Type: Slider
Number of dimensions to create in the output lattice. This determines
the connectivity of the computational grid on which the nodes of the
lattice are created.
Port: Data Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: byte
Menu Item: short
Menu Item: long
Menu Item: float
Menu Item: double
The underlying datatype (char, short, long, float, double) of the data
portion of the lattice.
Port: Coord Type
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: uniform
Menu Item: perimeter
Menu Item: curv random
Menu Item: curv half cyl
Menu Item: curv full cyl
Menu Item: curv torus
Controls the generation of the coordinates part of the lattice. Nodes
in the lattice may be on a uniform grid or a perimeter grid, randomly
located in space, or on a grid which is generated from a half cylinder,
a whole cylinder or a torus. Depending on the value of this parameter,
the Coord Representation (see below) will increase in generality to accomodate
the characteristics of the selected grid.
of the
Port: Coord Range
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: -1 to 1
Menu Item: 0 to size
The extent of the coordinates (either -1.0 to 1.0 or 0 to numNodes-1,
where numNodes is the number of nodes in that direction).
Port: Size
Type: Slider
Size of the output lattice. If the domain is square, this determines the
number of nodes in each dimension. If the domain is set to non-square, this
determines the number of nodes in the I direction. It also determines the
number of nodes in dimensions greater then three.
Port: DataVec Length
Type: Slider
The number of data components at each node of the lattice.
Port: Function
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: sines
Menu Item: gravity
Menu Item: ramps
Menu Item: random
The function used to generate the data. The choices are:
Product of sine functions
Random data
Ramps (modulo function)
Simulated gravity wells
Port: Coord Representation
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: uniform
Menu Item: perimeter
Menu Item: curvilinear
Representation used for the coordinates part of the lattice.
Since the curvilinear representation
is more generalized than perimeter, which is more general than uniform, it is
possible to use this parameter, together with the value of Coord Type, to
generate a curvilinear or
perimeter lattice with coordinates that are uniform in physical space, or a
curvilinear lattice with physical coordinates that are perimeter-like. This
option is useful for testing modules which accept lattices having
all types of coordinate
Port: Coord Dimensions
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: equal to data
Menu Item: 1
Menu Item: 2
Menu Item: 3
Menu Item: 4
Menu Item: 5
Menu Item: 6
The number of coordinates per node - i.e. the dimensionality of the
physical space in which the lattice is defined. This parameter only
affects the output
when Coord Representation is curvilinear - otherwise, this dimensionality
is the same as Dimensions, the number of dimensions in the computational
space of the lattice. For curvilinear lattices, this restriction is
lifted, and this dimensionality can take any value.
Port: Data Range
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: min to max
Menu Item: zero to 255
The data range can be normalized between zero and 255 (this is the same for all
primitive types) or from the minimum to maximum of the datatype. The latter
option can generate very large numbers for longs, floats and double primitive
Port: Domain
Type: Option Menu
Menu Item: Square
Menu Item: Non-square
Determines whether the lattice should have the same number of points in each
direction. If set to non-square, widgets controlling the number of points
in the J and K dimensions will be unhidden, and their values can be set.
Port: J Size
Type: Slider
This widget controls the number of points in the J-direction.
Port: K Size
Type: Slider
This widget controls the number of points in the K-direction.
Port: Output
Type: Lattice
The generated lattice