#include <cx/Pyramid.h>cxPyramidDictionary * cxPyrDictDefault( long layer )
integer function cxPyrDictDefault( layer ) integer layer
The default dictionary contains a subset of the finite elements point, line, triangle, quadrilateral, tetrahedron, pyramid, prism, wedge, and hexahedron, depending on the specified layer; the dictionary includes each element for which the spatial dimension is not greater than layer. The dictionary contains an array table of cxPyramid structures, one for each dictionary element. The elements are indexed by the enumerated constants cx_pyramid_dict_point, etc., derived from the elements' names. Each of the constituent structures is a fully populated pyramid with faces, edges, and vertices (as necessary depending on layer).
The dictionary is a reference-counted structure which is owned by the caller.
The user may augment a pyramid dictionary structure by incrementing the numEntries counter and adding a new pyramid to the table array.
There also exist other automatically generated interface routines for dealing with the cxPyramidDictionary structure. They have names beginning with cxPyramidDictionary and are documented separately. See also the IRIS Explorer Module Writer's Guide section on User Defined Types.