#include <cx/Pyramid.h>long cxPyrConCompare( long n0, long *x0, long n1, long *x1, cxPyrEquivType type )
integer function cxPyrConCompare( n0, x0, n1, x1, type ) integer n0, x0(n0), n1, x1(n1), type
CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_IDENTICAL sequences must be exactly identical.
CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_IDENTICALR sequences must be exactly identical or be identical when one is reversed (same as CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_IDENTICAL with reversal allowed).
CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_CYCLIC sequences must be identical under some cyclical shift (or rotation) of one sequence.
CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_CYCLICR sequences must be identical under a cyclical shift of one sequence or of its reversal (same as CX_PYRAMID_EQUIV_CYCLIC with reversal allowed).
CX_PYRAMID_SET sequences must contain the same indices in any order.