#include <cx/UI.h>void cxInWdgtScrollListItemsSel (char *portname, char *listEntriesString)
subroutine cxInWdgtScrollListItemsSel (portname, listEntriesString) character* portname, listEntriesString
This is the IRIS Explorer Widget Library call used to select a series of items in an IRIS Explorer Scrolled List widget. "listEntriesString" should be a single null-terminated string composed of substrings representing each selected item in order. The widget parameter value will change to a string of newline separated list item substrings.
Sample call:
cxInWdgtScrollListItemsSel ( "Line List", "Line 1\nLine 3\n" );
This function call would select list items "Line 1" and "Line 3", if and only if those items are in the list. If only a subset of those items are in the list, the items in the subset are selected. (assuming multiple or extended selection was enabled for the widget). If single or browse selection is enabled, the first list item in the selection list is selected.