#include <cx/UI.h>void cxInWdgtChoiceLabelMultiSet (char *portname, int minIndex, int cnt, char **label)
subroutine cxInWdgtChoiceLabelMultiSet (portname, minindex, cnt, label) character*(*) portname, label(*) integer minindex, cnt
This is the IRIS Explorer Widget Library call used to set a range of labels on one of the IRIS Explorer choice widgets. The choice widgets include option menus and radio button boxes. This call may be used to change the label on a single item within a choice widget or to re-label several items at a time.
Individual labels are addressed by indices where the range of valid indices is zero to N-1, where N is the number of entries in the choice widget. Out of range indices are ignored.
In C, the strings provided in the fourth argument must be NULL terminated.