#include <cx/Geometry.h>cxGeo cxGeoLinesDefine( int npoint, float *point, int nindex, long *index )
integer function cxGeoLinesDefine(npoint, point, nindex, index) integer npoint real point(3, npoint) integer nindex integer index(nindex)
Indexing of vertices is zero-based, i.e. the first vertex is referenced by index 0, and the last by npoint - 1. A -1 index indicates the end of a polyline.
The return value is a tag for this object that may be used to reference it at a later time with cxGeoFocus(3E).
Valid attributes are colors and transparencies. Attribute distribution may be CX_GEO_PER_OBJECT, CX_GEO_PER_VERTEX, or CX_GEO_PER_VERTEX_INDEXED.