IBM Visualization Data Explorer User's Reference

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Constructs a field with regular connections.


output = Construct(origin, deltas, counts, data);

Name Type Default Description
origin vector list input dependent origin for positions or a list of positions
deltas vector list input dependent deltas for positions
counts integer or vector input dependent number of positions in each dimension
data value list or string list no default data, last index varies fastest

Name Type Description
output field the output field

Functional Details

This module creates a field by defining its positions and connections.


specifies either the origin of a field with regular positions or a list of positions for a field with irregular positions.


should be used only for creating a field with regular connections. It specifies one of the following:

  • a vector of the same shape as origin, if origin is specified
  • a list of vectors that match origin, the number of vectors being equal to the number of dimensions in origin. (This specification can be used to define a grid with non-orthogonal axes.)

If origin is not specified, the dimensionality of the output positions is derived from the dimensionality of deltas. The default value is a unit vector.


specifies the number of positions in each dimensions for a field with regular connections. The module interprets this parameter according to the value specified by origin. If origin specifies:

  • a single vector: the field will have regular positions and regular connections. (If counts has been specified as a single number, the module creates that number of positions in each dimension.)
  • a vector list: the field will have irregular positions and regular connections. The product of the counts must match the number of positions given by origin.

To create a field consisting of just the items specified by origin as the "positions" component, do not specify counts. If the list of vectors contains more than one item, the output has, in addition to the "positions" component containing the points in origin, a "connections" component of element type "lines".


specifies one or more data values associated with the positions or connections of the field.

If specified, this parameter must be either a single value or a list of values. If it is a single value or a list with a length that matches the number of positions [e.g., n0×n1..., where n0, n1, ..., are the counts], then the output data component is dependent on the "positions" component. If the list has a length that matches the number of connection elements (e.g., (n0-1) × (n1-1) ...), then the output data is dependent on the "connections" component. Any other number of items in data is an error.

The type of the "data" component is the type of the input data. If data is a string list, the "data" component will be TYPE_STRING.

Note: If none of the first three parameters is specified (origin, deltas, or counts), Construct creates an empty field.


Creates "positions" and "connections" components. A "data" component is created if data is not null.

Example Visual Programs

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