IBM Visualization Data Explorer Programmer's Reference

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DXRotateX, DXRotateY, DXRotateZ, DXScale, DXTranslate, DXMat


Manipulate Transform matrices.


#include <dx/dx.h>

Matrix DXRotateX(Angle angle)
Matrix DXRotateY(Angle angle)
Matrix DXRotateZ(Angle angle)
Matrix DXScale(double x, double y, double z)
Matrix DXTranslate(Vector v)
Matrix DXMat(double a, double b, double c,
double d, double e, double f,
double g, double h, double i,
double j, double k, double l)

Functional Details

Manipulate Transform matrices. DXRotateX, DXRotateY, and DXRotateZ return a Matrix that specifies a rotation about the x, y, or z axis by angle angle in radians.

DXScale returns a Matrix that specifies a scaling by amounts x, y, and z along the x, y, and z axes.

DXTranslate returns a Matrix that specifies a translation by v.

DXMat returns a Matrix with the specified components.

A Matrix is defined as follows:

typedef struct matrix {
/* xA + b */
float A[3][3];
float b[3];
} Matrix;

An Angle is in radians and is defined as follows:

typedef double Angle;

Return Value

Returns the resulting Matrix.

See Also

DXConcatenate, DXInvert, DXTranspose, DXAdjointTranspose, DXDeterminant, DXApply, DXApplyTransform, DXNewXform

"Transformation Matrices".

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