Sw Architectures Workshop

Linda Wills (linda@cc.gatech.edu)
18 Oct 1994 10:59:30 -0400

This would be an interesting workshop for us to participate in! A
paper on recovering architectural concepts from code would certainly
be of interest. Or maybe one about expressing the architectural
knowledge that needs to be in the domain model to understand the NAIF
kernels/error handling.


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~From: David.Garlan@H.GP.CS.CMU.EDU
To: linda@cc.gatech.edu
~Subject: Software Architecture Workshop
~Date: Mon, 17 Oct 94 22:37:15 EDT

Dear Colleague,

I am writing to draw your attention to the upcoming Workshop on
Architectures for Software Systems, which will be held April 24-25,
1995 in Seattle, Washington, just before ICSE-17. The primary purpose
of the workshop will be to establish a shared understanding of the
state of the practice, the kinds of research and development efforts
that are in progress, and the important challenges within the emerging
field of software architecture. Position papers are due November 15.

I would appreciate it if you could publicize this workshop within your

Thank you.

David Garlan
Workshop Chair

Workshop on Architectures for Software Systems
(In association with ICSE-17)

April 24-25, 1995
Seattle, Washington USA

As systems become more complex, the high-level organization of the
overall system --- the software architecture --- becomes a critical
aspect of design. Architectural concerns include organization of a
system as a composition of components; global control structures;
protocols for communication, synchronization, and data access;
assignment of functionality to design elements; physical distribution;
scaling and performance; dimensions of evolution; and selection among
design alternatives.

Recently, software architecture has begun to emerge as an important
field of study for software engineering practitioners and researchers.
Architectural issues are being addressed by work in areas such as
module interface languages, domain-specific architectures, software
reuse, codification of organizational patterns for software,
architectural description languages, formal underpinnings for
architectural design, and architectural design environments.

While there has been considerable recent activity in this area, much
of it has gone on in small groups and many of the projects underway
are operating without detailed knowledge of other efforts. This
workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners interested in
software architecture to discuss the current state of the practice and
art. The primary goal will be to establish a common understanding of
the state of the practice, the kinds of research and development
efforts that are in progress, and the important challenges for this
emerging field.

The workshop will take place over two days. The activities of the
workshop will center around invited talks summarizing recent work in
software architecture, as well as in-depth discussions of selected
topics. While the list of focus topics will depend on the interests
of the participants, examples include: abstractions for architectural
design, domain-specific software architecture, architectural
specification, integration of architectural development in the broader
context of software engineering, architecture guidelines for
maintainable and evolvable systems, architectural selection and

To be admitted into the workshop, potential attendees must submit a
position paper or conference-length paper on their recent work in
software architecture. Six copies of papers should be sent by
November 15, 1994 to the workshop chair.

Selected papers and workshop summaries will be published in a special
issue of ACM Software Engineering Notes.


Position paper due: November 15, 1994
Date of notification of acceptance: January 15, 1995
Final version of position papers due: March, 1995
Workshop: April 24-25, 1995

Workshop Chair:

David Garlan
Department of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891
(412) 268-5056 (office)
(412) 268-5576 (fax)

Workshop Committee:

Bob Balzer, ISI (USA) Jeff Kramer, Imperial College (UK)
Barry Boehm, USC (USA) Dewayne Perry, ATT Bell Labs (UK)
Martin Griss, HP Labs (USA) Mary Shaw, CMU (USA)
Doug Lea, SUNY Oswego Will Tracz, Loral (USA)
& NY CASE Center (USA) Alexander Wolf University of Colorado (USA)

PostScript and ASCII versions of this and other ICSE-related events
are available by anonymous FTP at ftp.cs.washington.edu, in directory
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					-Linda Wills (linda@cc.gatech.edu)