Software Evolution
and Interleaving
Principal Investigators:
Spencer Rugaber and Linda Wills
Grant administered by NSF
Supported by DARPA/ITO EDCS
Program (Contract # F501)
Complex, evolved software is typically constructed
from a tight-knit composition of computational structures, called strands,
each of which is responsible for achieving some requirement, goal, or subset
of system functionality. This project investigates the interleaving of
program strands. The goals are to provide a rigorous characterization of
stylistic ways in which strands compose and to design a representation
in which to express the composition.
To form a rigorous characterization of interleaving,
case studies of existing software is being performed in which interleaving
is investigated and compositional mechanisms are being classified. Existing
formalisms for representing strands and their relationships are being surveyed
and extended to create a new formalism that expresses strand composition.
The understanding gained will suggest what types of documentation, programming
language features, and design abstractions are needed to enable software
engineers to make interleaving decisions explicit. This will alert future
maintainers of interleaved software to the fact that the interleaving was
intentionally introduced and mitigate problems with understanding it.
- Abowd, G., Ertmann-Christiansen, C., Goel, A.,
Jerding, D., McCracken, M., Moore, M., Murdock, J., Potts, C., Rugaber,
S., and Wills, L., "MORALE: Mission-Oriented Architectural Legacy
Evolution," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Software Maintenance, pp. 150-159, Bari, Italy, October 1997. Nominated
for Best Paper Award.(Postscript
- Abowd, G., Goel, A., McCracken, M., Moore, M.,
Potts, C., Rugaber, S., and Wills, L., "Mission-Oriented Legacy System
Evolution Through Architectural Recovery and Evaluation," in Proceedings
of the ICSE-97 Workshop on Migration Strategies for Legacy Systems,
A. Cimitile, H. Muller, and R. R. Klosch (eds.), pp. 14-18, Boston, MA,
May, 1997.
- Clayton, R., Rugaber, S., Taylor, L., and Wills,
L., "A Case Study of Domain-based Program Understanding," in
Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
pp. 102-110, Dearborn, MI, May 1997.(Postscript
- Jerding, D. and Rugaber, S., "Using Visualization
for Architectural Localization and Extraction," in Proceedings
of the 4th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-97), Amsterdam,
the Netherlands, October, 1997. An expanded version of this paper has been
invited for submission to a special issue on reverse engineering of the
Science of Computer Programming.(Postscript
- Clayton, R., Rugaber, S., and Wills, L., "Dowsing:
A Tool Framework for Domain-Oriented Browsing of Software Artifacts,"
submitted to the Automated Software Engineering Conference (ASE-98),
October, 1998.(Postscript
- Rugaber, S., Stirewalt, K., and Wills, L. M.,
"Understanding Interleaved Code," Automated Software Engineering,
Volume 3, Numbers 1-2, pp. 47-76, June 1996. (Postscript
- Rugaber, S., Stirewalt, K., and Wills, L.M.,
"The Interleaving Problem in Program Understanding," Proceedings
of the Second Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, pp. 166-175, IEEE Computer Society Press, July 1995. (Postscript
- Rugaber, S., Stirewalt, K., and Wills, L.M.,
"Detecting Interleaving," Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Software Maintenance, Nice, France, pp. 265-274, IEEE
Computer Society Press, October 1995. Best Paper Award. (Postscript
- Rugaber, S. and Wills, L., "Toward the Knowledge
Required to Understand a Program," to appear in the Proceedings
of the 5th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE-98), October,
- Rugaber S. and White, J, "Restoring a Legacy," IEEE Software, Vol. 15, No. 4, July-August, 1998. (Postscript
Spencer Rugaber (
Linda Wills (