Fidelity Report Card
(Fasse, Holbrook, Gray, 2000)
(1=lecture/guided discussion; 2=paper/pencil task; 3=demo/lab; 4=design; 5=build; 6=testing design)
(1= teacher dominated; 2= individual students; 3=dyads; 4=whole class; 5= group)
Use the following 6-point scale to rate the mode of this observation:
0=Not Applicable
1= Failure; unsatisfactory; poor
2=Belolw average; needs improvement
3=Average; moderate; meets fair expectations; okay
4=Above average; pretty good
5=Excellent; very good; ideal
Tally the total number of points; place total here:___________
- ____ S use science content vocabulary w/accuracy
- ____ S uses measurement/scientific inquiry techniques w/accuracy
- ____ S application of design concepts
- ____ S fluency w/LBDä
- ____ S fluency w/LBDä
- ____ S comfort w/non-textbook/worksheet curriculum format
(playing around or boycotting vs. On-task, active involvement)
- ____ S commitment to project at hand (physically on-task; enthusiasm)
- ____ S engagement (intellectual disinterest or listlessness vs. presence)
- ____ S use prior knowledge to justify decisions/knowledge
- ____ S use experience to justify decisions/knowledge
- ____ S demo understanding of failure=iteration cycle by reflecting, discussing, getting ideas, digging in
- ____ S divide tasks, take relatively equal ownership of work
- ____ S listen/discuss/consider ideas/suggestions of others w/in group
- ____ S " " outside group
- _____S are planful in their experimentation w/materials, construction, or testing
- ____ S independently employ LBDä
rituals to inform decisions
(informal gallery walk, refer to whiteboard/pinup/ remember previous design/construct issues, remember something from everyday world, seek reference material)
- _____S explicitly identifies how & when the science is useful
- _____S is active as a learner
- _____S explicitly identifies what has been learned
- _____S connects science content to real world experiences/phenomenon
- _____S shows energy for finding solution; struggle for solution
- _____S stops to assess where they are in the process and where they want to go
LBD classroom commitment in general:
- ____ Physical time commitment
- ____ Cultural shift (Belief system)
- ____ Behavioral (incorporation of vocab, rituals,etc.)
- ____ Suitability of the structure of classroom for non-traditional methods
- ____ T knowledge of the specific science area
- ____ T experience w/inquiry-based learning/LBDä
- ____ T classroom management skills (playtime vs. business)
- ____ T understands LBDä
- ____ T incorporates LBDä
- ____ T comfort w/materials (LBDä
, traditional science equip, textbook)
- ____ T use of LBDä
- ____ T use of science vocabulary
- ____ T flexibility for changing plans when indicated by student needs
- ____ T shifts focus fluidly between individuals/groups/class
- ____ T demonstrates respect for S (sarcasm, belittling vs. encouragement)
- ____ T independence (reliance on text/cookbook vs. informed winging it)
- ____ T comfort w/open-ended discussion
- ____ T comfort w/activity, noise, mess in the classroom
- ____ T controls classroom behavior w/out restricting activity
- ____ T identifies science concepts as they emerge in student discussion, questions, or demonstration (lab, experiment)
- ____ T identifies science in everyday events or cases
- ____ T is NOT in charge all the time
- ____ T shifting fluidly between on-call/on-duty (facilitator vs. directive)
- ____ T engagement (intellectual & physical presence)
- _____T models process of reflection by stopping to name it, make it explicit, showing the value ("What are we doing here? "How could we do this better?" "Hey, where are we here?" "It’s important to think about these things [connections to the real world].")
- ______T uses LBDä
rituals as scaffolding tools to promote or model the process of reflection