Georgia Institute of Technology

Intel Opportunity Scholar's Program Members


Intel/GT Opportunity Scholar’s Program 2005-6

Research Agenda

Mentor: Heather Hutchings

Scholars: Matthew Fong, Megan Thomas

Date Submitted:

Research Area: Human Computer Interaction

Proposed Research Tasks:

bulletExploring interactive use of the television to access data in the home
bulletDeveloping an application for TIVO
bulletHow to use RSS to gather data
bulletLearn the TIVO interface
bulletScholars will learn the whole process of an HCI project
bulletDeveloping project ideas
bulletDesigning and administrating formative evaluations
bulletDeriving requirements
bulletCreating designs to meet the requirements
bulletIRB Procedure
bulletEvaluating a prototype
bulletAnalyzing results of evaluation



Fall 2005

      Brainstorm and develop project ideas

      Write and administer informal questionnaire to gauge interest in different TIVO   services

January 2006

      Derive requirements from the questionnaire and usability resources

      Create initial design sketches

      Get feedback on designs

      Choose the final design

February 2006

      Develop and test application

      Pilot the application

      Get IRB training and write the protocol for deployment

March 2006

      Deploy to target audience

      Do post deployment interviews

      Analyze the results of the deployment

April 2006

      Prepare for the poster session


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