GSAMS - Java for the Impatient
Survey of Participant Response -- Overall GSAMS-Java Evaluation

This form solicits opinions and reactions to the GSAMS-Java experience.. Unlike previous forms, which solicited views on specific lectures, this survey asks your views about the entire process.

Name (optional):
University/College affiliation (optional):
e-mail address (optional):
1. Last week (Lecture 5), GSAMS involvement was way down: only 5 sites. This was unusual for the course. Please help us understand why.

NOTE: We're not checking up on you; we just want to know if we did something to scare people off.
2. We posted some examples and some coding assignments. We know that most participants have not done any of the assignments. What are your thoughts about this?
Again, we're not checking up on you; help us understand how to improve this
That's just how it's gonna be: faculty are not going to do homework nomatter how much sense it makes.

The assignments were too much. It would be better to have smaller assignments.
That way, at least some folks might actually do them.

Nomatter how convenient, nobody will do assignments without more structure.
So, if you're going to have assignments, also have due dates, and have someone evaluate them and provide feedback.
With no structure, they won't get done.

We don't need more structure but we do need more support.
Provide a newsgroup or mailing list where we can all ask questions and get answers and "cheat" amongst ourselves.

We need both more structure and more support.

Doing the assignments would not have helped me

3. We may be able to do more of these GSAMS courses without waiting for another grant from you-know-who. If we can, what should it be about? Select all that apply
4. For future GSAMS sessions, the frequency of sessions should be:
5. For future GSAMS sessions, the best *length* for sessions are:
6. For future GSAMS sessions, the best *number* of sessions are:
7. About doing some kind of course for your students via GSAMS and/or Internet and/or Videotape and/or shared newsgroups and/or some combination of the above:
8. If we were to do shared courses amongst ourselves, a goal would be to have us all jointly contribute in some way. What are the ways you think that you'd be best able (or more likely) to contribute in a way that's useful. Select all that apply I'm against doing it.

I like the idea of taking a given topic within a course
and developing my own lecture presentation of it for
others to share.

I like the idea of taking a given topic within a course
and developing my own lecture-support materials for others
to share.

I like the idea of taking the learning objectives for a
given assignment and developing my own assignment for
others to share.

I like the idea of taking the learning objectives for a
given assignment and developing my own version of evaluation
criteria for others to share.

I like the idea of staffing a newsgroup and responding to
student questions "on the fly."

I like the idea of staffing a newsgroup and tracking student
questions so that we can update lecture and develop other
learning materials to anticipate frequent questions.

9. If we were to do shared courses amongst ourselves, a goal would be to have us all jointly contribute in some way. What are the ways you think that you'd like to make use of shared materials developed by others. Select all that apply I'm against it.

I like the idea of offering my students a variety of lecture
presentations by various faculty for a given topic within a

I like the idea of offerng my students a range of lecture-
support materials developed by varous faculty for a given
topic within a course.

I like the idea of giving my students a choice of different
assignents that satisfy a given set of learning objectives
so that they're all doing an assignment that's of interest
to them.

I like the idea of benefitting from evaluation criteria and
evaluation tools to help me insure that my students' work is
thoroughly evaluated and that they get thorough feedback.

I like the idea of providing my students access to a staffed
newsgroup so that they can ask questions and get answers to them
promptly without waiting for the next class or my next office

I like the idea of a staffed newsgroup that tracks student
questions so that we can update lecture and develop other
learning materials to anticipate frequent questions.

10. About doing some kind of course for your students via GSAMS or Internet or Videotape or some combination of the above, what should the topic(s) be. Select all that apply

If you have comments or suggestions on how we can better adapt the course we'd like to hear them:

If you have additional comments or suggestions, we'd like to hear them:
