Name (optional):
University/College affiliation (optional):
e-mail address (optional):
(1) How did you view the lecture?
Please select one of the following . . .
Watched it live.
Watched a tape.
Viewed only the slides on the web.
I haven't seen the lecuture or the slides.
You mean there's a lecture?
(2) For
how appropriate was the level of material?
Please select one of the following . . .
Way too elementary
Slightly too elementary
Just about right
Some parts too simple; some parts too difficult
Too much too soon
I'm still in therapy as a result of the lecture;
please slow the pace down.
(3) How do you think
(not you) responded to the previous
question? In other words, how difficult did other people find the lecture?
Please select one of the following . . .
Other people found it way too elementary
Other people found it slightly too elementary
Other people found it just about right
Other people found some parts too simple; some parts too difficult
Other people found it too much too soon
I have no idea how other people responsed to the lecture
(4) For
how was the pace of the lecture?
Please select one of the following . . .
The lecture covers too much material too fast
Some parts are too rapid, but the pace is adequate.
Some parts are slow, but overall the pace is adequate.
The pace needs to be picked up.
Were you able to view the lecture materials during
the lecture using the video equipment?
Please select one of the following . . .
I could see things just fine.
The video quality was improved over previous slides.
The video quality was not adequate for some slides.
I had to rely on printed materials for the most part.
Are you guys working for optometrists on the side?
If you reviewed the lecture slides, please tell
us what you thought of the content.
Please select one of the following . . .
The slides don't "stand alone" and require explanation.
I figured a few things out, but the slides could use more explanation.
The slides had just the right amount of content.
The slides were verbose, but not to distraction.
Whoa! The slides are like a short novel. Summarize!
If you are new to Java, how well has the course helped
your understanding? For purposes of this question,
consider how prepared you are to code the sample
program listed on the GSAMS-Java web page.
Please select one of the following . . .
I already knew Java before the course.
Time permitting, I'm prepared to code a basic console-based programs.
I'm still uncertain on some points, but could code simple programs.
I'm still uncertain on some points; labs and homework would help.
I don't know. I followed the slides, but would have to write a program to see.
I'm not sure I could complete the assignment; I've only seen a few lectures.
No thanks; I'll pass. I'd like to study Java some more before coding.
If you think additional materials would help with this course,
select the resources you might use from the following list:
Thanks; I'm content with what's been offered.
I might like to deliver one (or more) of the GSAMS-Java lectures myself.
I would make use of a newsgroup devoted to this class.
I would like assigned homeworks and labs.
It would be helpful to have a teaching assistant to help with homeworks/lab.
A text book or printed/electronic collection of notes would help.
I would like more coded examples--small "how to" demonstrations.
An on-line course interface (for getting/turning in homework) would help.
Based on response, we plan on covering graphics, applets, swing,
and networking in the time remaining. If time permits, what
remaining topic would you like covered?
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) -- networked objects.
Java Native Invocation (JNI) -- Using C/C++ and Java.
Common Object Request Brokerage Architecture (CORBA).
Animation and Images (Java 1.1.8).
Animation, Graphics and Images (JDK 1.2, Java 2D library).
Java Security (JDK 1.2)