GSAMS - Java for the Impatient
Survey of Participant Response to Lecture 2

This form solicits opinions and reactions to GSAMS-java Lecture 2. If you were not able to view the lecture, a taped copy can be obtained from the Georgia Tech Continuing Education home page.

Name (optional):
University/College affiliation (optional):
e-mail address (optional):
(1) For YOU PERSONALLY , how appropriate was the level of material?
(2) How do you think OTHER PARTICIPANTS (not you) responded to the previous question? In other words, how difficult did other people find the lecture?
(3) For YOU PERSONALLY , how was the pace of the lecture?
(4) Were you able to view the lecture materials during the lecture using the video equipment?
(5) If you reviewed the lecture slides, please tell us what you thought of the content.
(6) Are you planning on using any of the materials presented in this lecture series (slides, other resources) in a course at your institution? (You are welcome to, by the way.)
(7) If you had a chance to review the sample program assignment, how useful would similar materials be for a course offered at your institution? (The assignment was designed as a 'second program' in Java, after an initial "warm-up" program stressing syntax).
(8) Noting the limited lecture schedule, please select a few of the following topics you would like covered in the last two lectures of this series.

If you have comments or suggestions on how we can change the course we'd like to hear them:

If you have additional comments or suggestions, we'd like to hear them:
