GSAMS - Java for the Impatient
Survey of Participant Response to Lecture 1

This form solicits opinions and reactions to GSAMS-java Lecture 1. If you were not able to view the lecture, a taped copy can be obtained from the Georgia Tech Continuing Education home page.

Name (optional):
University/College affiliation (optional):
e-mail address (optional):
(1) For YOU PERSONALLY , how appropriate was the level of material?
(2) How do you think OTHER PARTICIPANTS (not you) responded to the previous question? In other words, how difficult did other people find the lecture?
(3) What was your experience of the delivery mechanism--the live link between centers?
(4) If you are using our "Intro to Computing and Algorhtms" book, please tell us how you think your students could handle the lecture material after completing their first computing course.
(5) If you are not using our "Intro to Computing and Algorithms" book, please tell use how well your students could handle the lecture materials.
(6) How interested are you in the possibility for doing the GT freshman sequence for your students via distance learning in the coming year?

(There are many details and questions to be dealt with first, and none of them have been, so for now just give us your hunch.)
(7) Would it be useful to have an alternative means of asking questions during the lecuture, perhaps using a Java-based chat program?
(8) A propos of the previous question, do you have access to a networked, java-capable computer in the lecture room ? We might make use of this computer during lectures.

If you have additional comments or suggestions, we'd like to hear them:
