GSAMS - Java for the Impatient Survey of Participant Interests
University/College affiliation (optional):
(Pre)occupation: Not selected Faculty/Instructor Staff Student Other None of Your Business
Prior Java Experience: Not selected Have Taught/Am Teaching Course in Java I've been Programming in Java for 1+ Years I've done some work in Java I've read a book on Java; wrote a few programs I've not had much experience with Java Java? I ordered a capuccino
Prior Programming Experience: Not selected Have Taught/Am Teaching Computing Course Considerable prior work experience Some experience I wrote a macro once in MS Word. It didn't work.
Computer Language Familiarity (select all that apply): C/C++ Fortran Pascal Smalltalk Lisp, Scheme Windows 1900 API Some Unix shell scripting Perl Basic, Visual or old school Ada MIPS Assembly None I had two years of French in High School, does that count?
Computer Familiarity (Select all that apply)
Basic Window Applications (Office 97, e.g). Advanced Windows I'm familiar with DOS I'm familiar with Unix I'm familiar with/work in Solaris I'm familiar with/work in BeOS I'm familiar with/work in the Mac OS I'm familiar with/work in Linux/Free BSD, etc. I've installed Linux, and regularly compile kernels None
Are you working on a project involving Java? If so, please describe your project, and whether/how this course might help: What do you hope to learn from this course? Comments: