About this Applet

There's not much to say about this applet.

One potential point of interest:
The Applet uses a JDK 1.1 stream object (BufferedReader) to read in the file.
Of course, this means that old browsers (e.g., Netscape 3.x) will not be able to run the program.
This can be remedied by using a JDK 1.02 stream object (e.g., DataInputStream) instead:

   public void readInURL()
                java.io.InputStream input = fileURL.openStream();
                DataInputStream dataInput = 
                    new DataInputStream(input);
                while((strTemp = dataInput.readLine()) !=null)
        catch (IOException darn)
                showStatus ("Exception: " + darn.toString());

    }// readInURL

CAUTION: Note that the DataInputStream is deprecated since it does not always read in data correctly.

David Dagon
Last modified: Fri May 7 07:52:56 EDT 1999