Table of Contents
Networking Topics
A Short History of Java Networking
A Short History of Java Networking
Competing Networking Models:OSI vs. Internet Whose Kung Fu is Better?
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Internet Architecture Model
Internet Architecture Model
Internet Architecture Model
Network Protocols in Java
Basic Terminology (cont’d)
IP Address Classes
IP Address Classes
IP Addresses: Names
The* Package
Address representations
Converting IP Numbers to Strings
Other InetAddress Services
PPT Slide
Sockets . . . and Threads
Sockets: Simple Usage
Socket Options in Java
Socket Options in Java
TCP/UDP Connections Distinguished
A Day Time Client
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Reading and Writing From Sockets
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Analysis and An Idea
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Blocking Network Calls
Simple Threads Example
Thread Issues
Threaded Socket Clients
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Threaded Client Sockets
Sending Mail
Sending Mail
Sending Mail
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Using URLs
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Extracting the Stream from a URL
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CORBA & RMI:Two Flavors of Alphabet Soup?
What is CORBA?
What is RMI?
What’s the Difference?
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A Contrived Experiment With RMI
Experiment With RMI (Cont’d)
Experiment With RMI (Cont’d)
Program: Matryoshka Doll Server
RMI Design Cycle
1. Common Data Type
2. Define The Interface
3. Implement the Interface
3. Implement Interface (cont’d)
4. Compile (javac & rmic)
6. From Moscow With Stubs
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8. Start The Client
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RMI Summary: Value
RMI Summary: Errors & GC
RMI Summary: LocateRegistry
java.rmi.Naming Class
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Java Native Invocation
Native Methods--What?
Native Methods -- Why?
JNI Generation--Overview
Step 1: Organizing JNI vs. Java Functionality
PPT Slide
Step 2: Generate Header File
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Step 3: Implement Your JNI Method
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4. Compile the Object
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5. Load the Library
6. Execute
7. DEBUG (and repeat . . .)
Concluding Thoughts