Minutes from Active Network Architecture Meeting
November 14, 1997
Georgia Tech
- GT: Bobby Bhattacharjee, Ken Calvert, Ellen Zegura,
Youngsu Chae, Joe Dixon, Shashidhar Merugu
- ISI: Bob Braden
- MIT: John Guttag, David Wetherall
- Arizona: Larry Peterson
No attempt was made to carefully attribute ideas.
- Meeting goals, agenda bashing
- Architecture: assumptions, goals
- Architecture: viewpoints, discussion
- Lunch, tours
- Discussion of Group project/demo
- Technology exchange (AN-Sim, ...)
- Wrapup architecture discussion
- Action items, next meeting?
Note: added Status Updates to agenda after Architecture: assumptions,
Meeting goals
- Get consensus on goals, assumptions, principles, and
pieces of AN architecture:
- Identify pieces to be common/standardized.
- End up with outline of an architecture document.
- Discuss possible joint interoperability/application demo(s).
- Exchange technology.
Postscript of slides
- The packet is the fundamental unit of service
(not cells or circuits).
- Active Nodes are connected by a variety of different
packet-forwarding technologies.
- The primary function of the Active Network is moving
information (and not computation).
- All Active Nodes support a single "base functionality".
- Users access AN services via the base functionality.
More Assumptions
- There will be more than 1 higher-level service.
- Each Active Node is controlled by an administration.
- No administration controls all Active Network nodes.
- Administrations may or may not trust each other.
- Strong cryptographic mechanisms are available.
- Others?
Goals for the Architecture
- A generic model that admits all existing approaches.
- Support fast-path optimizations (at least don't hinder them).
- Support customization of almost any aspect of node processing,
including global policies that are part of base functionality.
- Functions affecting security of the system are not left
entirely to the higher-level services.
- How many higher-level services (like ANTS, PLAN) have to be supported?
- What goes in the base functionality?
- What low-level abstractions are supported by each active node?
- Interface: to send/receive packets, establish per-flow queues,
reserve BW, etc. (Also to applications.)
- Routing Table: Maps Addrs to Interfaces
- Addrs: Key for Routing Tables
- What are the differences between End Systems and Intermediate
ANTS (Wetherall)
- currently using JDK 1.0.2
- working on moving to JDK 1.1.1
- adding services - e.g., reliable transport service
Other MIT activity (Guttag)
- two thrusts: performance, applications
- starting to work with theory group (Tom Leighton et al.)
- new work on specifying security constraints
- new work on instrumenting ANTS for measurements/demos
Scout (Peterson)
- wrote JIT compiler running on Linux/Pentium
- Java Virtual machine + JIT running on Scout/Pentium
- ANTS running on both Linux and Scout
- ping-pong measurements with 1 msec rtt
- Scout platform requirements: PCI bus, particular graphics
and Ethernet cards
- desired features in ANTS:
- timeout
- separation of forwarding from control (NetTV application)
- why Scout for AN?
- partly performance, though not expected to be big win
- vehicle to experiment with scheduling
ISI (Braden)
- (somewhat) FreeBSD contrained due to CAIRN involvement,
but mostly using Solaris
- re-writing RSVP in Java
- not clear whether ANTS can be used for RSVP implementation
- Aside:
- Java OS on a chip, including TCP/IP stack
- might be possible to get several machines
- interested in practical implications/reality of AN
- thinking about how to support reservation customization
by modifying/customizing Java code
- installed ANTS
- working on AN simulator (AN-Sim) to be discussed later
- working on applications (e.g., network caching)
- Bobby: Control-on-demand project this summer at AT&T
ISI (Braden)
Postscript of slides
Points of significant discussion:
- whether problems to solve are more clear for distributed
computation or communication (later agreed that primary
function of active network is communication not computation)
- options for organization of ANEP and IP
- ANEP strictly above IP (-> IP is wire format)
- IP as "link" layer option for ANEP (-> ANEP is wire format)
- two-faced bearer service (i.e., ANEP=IPv10) that
looks like IP to IP community and ANEP to AN community
- initial discussion on number of execution environments,
during development and as eventual goal
MIT - ANTS Architecture (Wetherall)
Powerpoint of slides
Points of significant discussion:
- ANTS details (terminology, definitions, code loading, etc.)
- protection model: currently by protocol; thinking about
more ambitious (file-system-like) protection models;
interesting question about what is a good protection model
- composition; no composition currently supported by ANTS
other than incorporating desired code into new protocol;
discussion of types of composition (stackable, control/data)
- "reliability model" of ANTS
GT (Zegura/Bhattacharjee)
Postscript of slides
Points of significant discussion:
- multiple environments
- how much effort to spend on supporting/interoperating
multiple environments
Resource Control at Base Layer
- how to specify requirements (link bandwidth, cpu cycles,
- how to divide resource limit when multicast (don't know
how many receivers will be reached over given interface)
- who decrements resource limit (node or environment)?
- Larry suggested sending code to interpret resource field
- Bob suggested 2 ANEP resource options
- strict hop count
- generalized resource usage
Roles in big picture:
- users
- programmers (e.g., of ANTS protocols)
- environment developers
- providers of base functionality
- O/S vendors
How should base functionality be extended? (sockets
available to plug into; rebuild when sockets are
not sufficient)
Lower Layer Interface
List of desired functionality:
- send(pkt, line)
- set-resource-limits(cpu,link-buffer,mem-pool,link)
- multiple threads of control (fork, timeout,exception throwing,sync)
- query node (address, avail resources)
- map (e.g., for routing table)
Should link be virtual? (have name, bps, allow cut through)
Things that might belong in base layer:
- code distribution mechanism (from ANTS?)
- memory management, including garbage collection
(or does each environment get a static partition and
do their own management?)
- synchronized clocks
- install new environment capability
What is needed in addressing?
- DNS names as only addresses (can a reasonable routing
protocol be built using these?)
- IPv6 addresses
- should addresses be assigned to systems or interfaces?
Should there be a distinction between end systems and network nodes
(consensus: no)
GROUP EXPERIMENT (suggested by Wetherall/Guttag)
Criteria: killer app that lots of people want
Idea: Stock quote service
- performance critical
- hard to solve by caching alone, due to timing and granularity
- real-time
Solution sketch:
- cache prices of individual stocks in network
- assemble responses by putting together set of desired stocks
- support different policies (e.g., fast response but not necessarily
up to date, slower response but current prices)
- source of content (PC Quote satellite service?)
- connecting non-AN-capable hosts
- next steps: coordinate with Ulana at MIT
- Objectives of AN
- Assumptions
- Design Principles
- Architectural Requirements
- Evolution Strategy
- Terminology/Objects of Discourse
- Interfaces
- 2 architecture pictures from GT presentation
- Design strategy:
- minimal ANEP + base
- include functions needed for global correctness
- extend with functions that are common or needed for efficiency
- Purpose is communication services, not computation.
- Arch should not preclude fast paths, scalability.
- Execution environments are heavyweight, few, change slowly.
- No distinction is made between ES and IS.
- Resource management is coarse-grained at node level
and refined at environment level.
- Resource usage bound is enforced by base layer with
at least one option in ANEP header.
- Global namespace is needed for protocols to allow sharing.
Allocation of names must not require coordination.
- Node have unique IDs.
- Do context switches between environments need to be uniformly fast?
- Should ANTS (or any) code-loading mechanism go in base layer?
- Should fast path pass-through be exposed in architecture?
- Should synchronized clocks be in base layer?
- What should be the form of global node IDs?
- Should composition mechanisms go in base layer?
- What interaction should be allowed between environments?
- agreeing on common machine and O/S platform
- administrations/trust boundaries
- meeting in January
Ellen Zegura
Last modified: Tue Dec 16 13:04:26 PST 1997