Status Report: MORALE: Mission Oriented Architectural Legacy Evolution

Agreement/Contract Number: F30602-96-2-0229

For the period: October-December, 1996

PI Name, Spencer Rugaber

Georgia Institute of Technology

Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280


WWW Homepage:

Voice: 404-894-8450

FAX: 404-894-9442

1.0 Participants


Research Assistants:

2.0 Ongoing Research & Development

2.1 Task 1 Methodology Descriptions

The MORALE approach to software evolution is the synthesis of several methodologies supporting individual aspects of the evolutionary life cycle. To support this synthesis and to enable effective transfer of our methods, we are writing guidebooks for each of the individual methodologies.

2.2 Task 2 Tool Development

While MORALE is primarily a methodology project, we are developing several tools to support analysts using the methodologies.

2.3 Task 3 Case Study

The primary validation mechanism for MORALE is the case study. The two case studies we are currently anticipating comprise the analysis of an evolving system and an assessment of SBF as a suitable architectural description language (ADL).

3.0 Notable Accomplishments & Technology Transition

4.0 Progress on Inter/Intra Cluster Collaboration

5.0 Publications

6.0 Travel

7.0 Miscellaneous/Administrative/Problematic Issue

Our progress on guidebook writing has had mixed results. On the down side, delivery of individual guidebooks for use by third parties has been slow. The reason for this has been our substantial progress with the Mosaic case study which has led us to a deeper understanding of each other's work and which enables tighter integration of our individual methods. On the positive side, we have spoken with several publishers who have expressed interest in the collected guidebooks. I assume that there will be no legal/administrative difficulties with publication, but I will check into the matter further as negotiations proceed.

8.0 Plans For The Next Reporting Period