Not Answered Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly No Opinion I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through fax.
Not Answered Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly No Opinion I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information through WWW/e-mail.
Not Answered Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly No Opinion I am willing to provide credit card and purchase information over the Internet when this information is encrypted.
Not Answered Agree Strongly Agree Somewhat Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Somewhat Disagree Strongly No Opinion I am willing to provide credit card information and personal information over the Internet to a Web vendor who is well known and reliable.
What is the name of bank you have an Internet bank account with? Rather not say What are the most important reasons you opened an Internet bank account? (Please prioritize the following list in the order of importance. 1: the most important 6: the least important) Please use each number only once. Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Convenience (24 hours service, anywhere connectivity) Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Curiosity Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Better rates Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Safe and secure Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Low service charge Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Easy to maintain my banking transaction activity What banking services do you use which your Internet bank offers? (Please check all you are currently using) Seeking product and rate information Calculate loan payment information Download loan applications Download personal bank transaction activity Check balances on-line Apply for consumer loans or credit cards online Inter-account transfers On-line bill payments Others Not Applicable What is the percentage of your household monthly income you deposit to your Internet bank account? % Don't know Not Applicable What was the single most important reason that you chose this particular bank as your Internet bank? (please choose one) I have a traditional bank account with the same bank The brand name of the bank The excellent service offered by this bank Others Not Applicable In addition to your Internet bank account, do you also have a traditional bank account? Yes No Not applicable
What are the most important reasons you opened an Internet bank account? (Please prioritize the following list in the order of importance. 1: the most important 6: the least important) Please use each number only once. Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Convenience (24 hours service, anywhere connectivity) Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Curiosity Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Better rates Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Safe and secure Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Low service charge Not Answered1 - Most Important23456 - Least Important Easy to maintain my banking transaction activity
What banking services do you use which your Internet bank offers? (Please check all you are currently using)
What is the percentage of your household monthly income you deposit to your Internet bank account?
What was the single most important reason that you chose this particular bank as your Internet bank? (please choose one)
In addition to your Internet bank account, do you also have a traditional bank account?
What are the main reasons that you have not opened an Internet bank account yet? (check all that apply) Under age Never heard of Internet banking Concerned about security Haven't taken time to open an account Don't see any real value in having this type of account Too new. I would like to see how it works, then I may open an account Not available through my bank Others Not Applicable How likely is it that you will open an Internet bank account within the next 12 months? Very Unlikely Somewhat Unlikely Neither Unlikely nor Likely Somewhat Likely Very Likely Not applicable
How likely is it that you will open an Internet bank account within the next 12 months?
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Bank familiarity
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Bank location (geographic)
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important The size of bank (in terms of asset)
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Security of Transaction
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Convenience (24 hours service from anywhere)
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Quick service (transaction completed in seconds instead of minutes)
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Variety of features and services that are offered(for example; bill payment,account reconciliation, electronic bill payment)
Not Answered 1 - Not Important 2 3 - Neither Important nor Unimportant 4 5 - Very Important Integrated value-added services using other on-line services and resources (for example; other brokerage account summary)
This questionnaire was developed by: Professors Sue Rhee and Fred Riggins of the DuPree School of Management at Georgia Tech