- This was the most sensitive question asked in the General Survey, with
15.6% of the respondent choosing to select the "Rather not say!" option -
nearly seven times higher than other similar questions. Interestingly, this was
the same proportion of users as the Third Survey, indicating as somewhat
steady characteristic.
- The below analyzes were performed by the
Hermes team. The
Hermes team develops and analyzes the consumer attitudes and preferences
portions of these surveys.
- The estimated average income is $63,000 (US dollars), which is slighlty lower than
the Third Survey, which had an estimated income of $69,000. The estimated average
US income is $64,700 which is lower than the Third Survey of $67,600, but still
higher than the estimated average European income of $56,000 ($53,500 Third Survey).
By Location
- Weekend users have slightly more income than weekday users.
By Access Time
- 18.3% of the women surveyed would "Rather not say!" their income, whereas
14.5% of the men chose this response. This is the exact same proportions as
last time. This, nearly one in five, non-response interferes with robust gender
comparisons between incomes. Female users typically report making less money than
their male counter parts, with the average income for females being $58,900.
By Gender
Table of Data for All Categories
For more information or to submit comments:
send e-mail to
GVU's WWW Surveying Team
Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280