GVU's WWW User Survey: Other Sources
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Since we often receive requests for statistics not found in the GVU survey, we have put together this list of other sources of Internet/WWW statistics and demographics which are available on the Web. We would suggest that those interested in these kinds of statistics consult several sources; these numbers can be difficult to measure and results may vary between different sources.
Survey Results
- CyberDialogue (formerly part of Find/SVP)
Random digit dial and online surveys. Spring 1995. Results include core demographics, population size estimates, business growth estimates, usage patterns, review of surveying methodologies, and comparative analysis and more.
- Netcraft (Web Server Survey)
Monthly polling of WWW servers to determine market share.
- Nielsen Media Research/Commerce Net
Random digit dial, online, and follow-up surveys. Spring 1995, with follow-up spring 1996. Results include core demographics, population size estimates, usage patterns and more. http://www.nielsenmedia.com/
- The NPD Group
A 10,000 household adjusted sample of users. Continuous since January 1996. Results include estimated number of different people who visit Web sites, frequency of visits, length of visits, comparative data across sites and more.
http://www.npd.com/Other Useful Indexes and Resources
- Iconocast
From the founder of CyberAtlas Michael Tchong, this weekly newletter provides "data driven market overviews." A must read.
- CyberAtlas
Summaries results from major surveys. Good starting point.
- The State of the Net
Peter Clemente's comprehensive new book titled "State of the Net". This amazing book packs tens of thousands of dollars worth of invaluable market research into a clear and concise reference book.
- InfoQuest
- Nua's Internet Surveys
Especially good for international information.
- Forrester Research
A research firm that specializes in technology issues.
- Jupiter Communications
A new media market research firm that specializes in online technology issues.
- Yahoo! - Computers and Internet:Internet:Statistics and Demographics
- Yahoo! - Computers and Internet:Internet:World Wide Web:Statistics and Demographics
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For more information, send email to www-survey@cc.gatech.edu GVU's WWW Survey Team
GVU Center, College of Computing
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA 30332-0280