This region saw a great increase in educational occupation
during the
last six months, up from 31 percent to 42 percent. There was also a
decrease in the professional category from 19 percent to 11
percent. |
While not exactly synonymous, the terms "liberal" and
have similar connotations in most areas of Europe. It is possible, given the educational level of most Web users, that many respondents answered the question understanding the Americ
an definitions of the terms. The survey question did not give any such
definitions, however. Overall, 18.1 percent of Europeans answered this
question either "other" (7.24%) "not_say" (4.88%) or don't_know"
(5.98%). |
This region had the largest percentage of Unix users in Europe
at 19
percent, compared to 12 percent in Europe overall and only 4.4 percent in
the U.S.. |
Income levels remained stable in this region compared to the
4th GVU
Survey. Overall, Europe has more users in the lower income brackets, with
31.6 percent making more than $50,000, slightly more in this region (34%).
This question was changed for the 5th GVU Survey, so it is
to compare the results. In general, Europeans are less resistant to paying for Web page access than Americans, perhaps because Europeans often access the Web via business or educati
onal institutions. This eliminates the double payment which occurs with
people who pay for their home access to the Internet. |