Randy Carpenter
Research Scientist,
College of Computing
Randy is the Associate Director of External Services in the
Computing and Networking Services
(CNS) Group at the Georgia Tech's
College of Computing. He was formerly the Lab Manager for the
Graphics, Visualizaton and Usability Center where
he is still an affiliated faculty member.
He holds a B.S. in mathematics and an M.S. in computer science from
Georgia State University
where he also worked as a Systems Support Specialist in the Wells Computer
Center. He has worked in system administration for over 10 years and is very
active in local user groups. In 1990, he co-founded the
Atlanta Silicon Graphics User's Group
and is still one of their most active leaders. He also chaired the
local committee for the Visualization '95
conference which was held in Atlanta, GA. in October 1995.
Randy is a member of the GVU Web Team and is interested in World Wide Web
technologies and the Internet in general.
Contact information:
Randy Carpenter
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: randy.carpenter@cc.gatech.edu