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School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
College of Computing

Mark Iken

Director of Information Technology
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering

Mark Iken is director of information technology for the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering (ISyE). He sets the policy and direction for the technological foundations of ISyE to coordinate efforts with the campus and foster developments in educational technologies. Mark is also a theoretical atomic physicist with a master's degree and Ph.D. in atomic and molecular physics from Georgia Tech. His primary area of interest is the study of relationships between classical chaotic physics and quantum mechanics at the Correspondence limit of Rydberg atoms and molecules/surfaces. The systems of current interest include the hydrogen atom with various orientations of strong external electromagnetic fields, quartic oscillator potentials and the ozone molecule. Various visualization techniques are required to interpret the behavior of these complex systems of high-dimension.

Contact information:

    Mark Iken
    Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
    College of Computing
    801 Atlantic Drive
    Georgia Institute of Technology
    Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
    E-mail: mark.iken@isye.gatech.edu


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