Mark Guzdial
Associate Professor,
College of Computing
Adjunct Professor,
School of Psychology
Mark Guzdial
is an Assciate Professor in the College of Computing,
associated with both the GVU Center and the EduTech Institute.
His research focuses on supporting students' learning through their
construction of interesting artifacts. His work makes the vision of the
"DynaBook," Alan Kay's educational computing vision, into a collaborative
one. His most recent collaborative space, the CoWeb, is used for a
variety of activities, from extending the Classroom 2000 lecture space into
a discussion space, to a collaborative radio. He completed his joint
doctorate in Education and Computer Science at the
University of Michigan
in Fall, 1993. His dissertation was on the design
and evaluation of Emile, a software environment for non-programming
high school students to use in building physics simulations, in order to learn
both physics and programming in the process. He also developed
an award-winning multimedia composition environment for students.
Contact information:
Mark Guzdial
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: mark.guzdial@cc.gatech.edu