Levien de Braal
Research Scientist,
College of Computing
Levien de Braal
earned a Masters of Science degree in Technical Mathematics
and Informatics
at the Department of Technical Mathematics
and Informatics of the Delft University of
Technology (DUT) in 1995. There he was part of the section Information systems in the
research direction
Design of Information Systems. His thesis work was performed at the
Graphics, Visualization, and Usability
Center, which is part of the College of
Computing at Georgia Tech. There he
participated in Modeling,
Imaging and Visualization research (in what was then called the "Medical
Informatics" group) with Norberto
Ezquerra as his advisor. His research interests include user interface
design, medical informatics, computer graphics, visualization and artificial
intelligence. Currently most of his time is spent within a project regarding
Knowledge-Based Interpretation of Medical Images (PERFEX).
Contact information:
Levien de Braal
Graphics, Visualization & Usability Center
College of Computing
801 Atlantic Drive
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, GA, 30332-0280
E-mail: levien.de.braal@cc.gatech.edu